Educate children about oral hygiene

Teaching oral children to children is not easy. Let's see how to do it, in small steps.

Oral hygiene in young children

You should start brushing your teeth very soon, that is, from the time they appear. At first you can use a wet gauze and then, slowly, introduce the toothbrush. At the beginning, when you make the first attempts to educate your children about oral hygiene, you may encounter some difficulties, but you must not be discouraged as it is very important to get children used to using a toothbrush.

Oral hygiene in children must be a game, not a boring task to perform after each meal; and so, starting from the game, the child will begin to become familiar with toothbrush and toothpaste.

It is essential to use a suitable toothbrush ; all toothbrushes for children report the age group for which they are indicated; the toothbrush must be changed very often, more or less once a month.

Even the toothpaste should not be chosen at random: it is important to always respect the instructions on the package; the composition of toothpastes suitable for early childhood is different from that of toothpastes for older children and adults. The toothpaste should be used from 18 to 24 months, when, in other words, the child is able to rinse his mouth.

Obviously, for a correct oral hygiene, it is important to pay attention also to the feeding of one's children: avoiding meals between meals; avoid frequent consumption of chocolate, candy and other sweets; avoid the consumption of drinks and sugary foods before going to sleep and, in any case, always wash your teeth very well in the evening and after each meal.

How to treat children's intimate hygiene

The first visit to the dentist

Oral hygiene education in children also includes a periodic visit to the dentist, not only to check if everything is okay, but above all to make the child familiar with dental practice and dental care; obviously you need to schedule visits with a pediatric dentist ; specialized, that is, in the care of children's teeth. The child will have to be prepared before the visit; it could be said, for example, that he will be brought by a special doctor who will check if his little teeth are healthy, that he will not do him any harm and that after the visit his teeth will be much more beautiful and shining.

If the child is a bit agitated, you can ask the dentist to lie down on the chair with him and hold him in his arms during the visit, so that he will feel more secure. Ideally, the first visit should be scheduled for around three years .

If the teeth turn black

Sometimes, even when you are very involved in the oral hygiene of your children, it may happen that an unpleasant black patina appears. These are fungi, or fungi, which cause the pigmentation of tooth enamel. They are not harmful to teeth or gums, but black teeth are ugly, what to do then? It is possible to perform a cleaning, clearly done by an experienced pediatric dentist, who will gently remove this patina from the teeth.

The problem is that the black patina is reformed; if, therefore, you want your child's teeth to remain white, this cleaning must be repeated every time the teeth turn black; indicatively once a year. In general, however, the problem is completely solved with the fall of the deciduous (milk) teeth and the appearance of the new teeth.

Nosebleeds in children: what are the causes and remedies?

Milk teeth, how they fall and instructions

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