Stress: from survival factor to health problem

Stress as a survival factor

Through stress, the body prepares for a high performance in order to climb a tree, jump on an enemy, run away from a predator or swim across a river. This "superpower" manifests itself thanks to three hormones : the adrenaline, the escape hormone, the norepinephrine, the attack hormone - both stimulate the circulation and dampen thought in favor of pre-programmed reflex actions; finally, hydrocortisone which stimulates blood coagulation, eliminates the digestive system and sexual functions and represses the immune defenses - all to better focus on the fight and be able to better win it.

Stress as a conflict factor

Performance stress as a survival factor prolonged over time becomes a risk factor for health : the hormones that are released not being really necessary, because there is no real danger to be avoided or an aggressor to defend themselves from, are not eliminated.

Permanent tension can destroy cells and organs, as well as compromising the autonomic nervous system . If man could sensibly live in the "stress-yielding-tranquility" polarity, many diseases would be rare: think of cardio-circulatory diseases, in our world the first cause of death, neurovegetative dystonia, gastric and intestinal disorders, metabolism disorders, immune weakness, concentration disorders up to the high risk of developing a tumor.

The weakness of the immune system and wear and tear of the spine

People imprisoned in their conflicts no longer come out of the vicious circle "immune system stress-weakness". The continuous presence of adrenaline, noradrenaline and hydrocortisone hormones in the long run threatens the harmonious alternation of tension / relaxation: the energies that are no longer burned and transformed are deposited with the consequent circulatory overload.

So for example in cases of pain in the spine that are diagnosed as wear and tear: the diagnosis is undoubtedly correct, but the vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs and joints do not wear out on their own. Excluding the risk factors related to the profession, to incorrect posture or to malformations such as scoliosis or a shorter lower limb, one must look for the causes that are behind such wear. One of the most frequent causes is the repeated tension that the organs, through the spinal nervous system, lead to the various vertebral segments where they cause spasms and unnatural pressure: it is this pressure that creates attrition.

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