Painful cycle: 5 things to NOT do

Painful cycle: causes

Dysmenorrhea, as it is called in the medical field the set of painful physical disorders due to the menstrual cycle, affects many women. Almost all women have suffered a painful cycle for a period of their lives.

The pain comes from the natural contractions of the uterus to get rid of unused endometrial cells. The causes can be of anatomical origin, such as the conformation of the uterus, endometriosis, the presence of uterine fibroids, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic tract or adenomyosis.

In this case it is necessary to resolve the causes, with medical consultation. But also some painful behaviors that can apparently seem irrelevant, but that instead can help to resolve this problem or, at least, improve the condition of discomfort that is felt during the menstrual cycle are also cause of painful cycle.

Read also Do you know your menstrual cycle? >>

Painful cycle: 5 things to NOT do

Acting on the painful cycle involves investigating its causes and adopting a lifestyle that decreases the action of pain due to uterine contractions. There are some behaviors that worsen pains during the menstrual cycle, namely:

1. F uming : smoking has direct repercussions on the hormonal system . In the woman, the menstrual cycle is the fulcrum of a delicate balance, during which the production of hormones brings the body to particular transformations.

The body is an intelligent machine and knows, if put in optimal conditions, to manage the possible pain due to contractions of the uterus autonomously: from here it is easy to understand that the smoke, going to alter this delicate balance, leads to increase the pain during the cycle, as well as the duration and consistency ;

2. Cuming alcohol : like smoking, alcohol also increases systemic inflammation, and therefore the production of prostaglandins, responsible for pain, and therefore the perception of pain during the cycle. Alcohol, as well as smoking, increases abdominal swelling and alters the intestinal flora, with indirect repercussions on the proximal organs, including the uterus and ovaries.

3. Stop physical activity : practicing a sport regularly and at mild levels helps both in the premenstrual phase and during the painful cycle. Physical activity increases the release of special hormones, endorphins. Endorphins have analgesic properties, ie they help to reduce the sensation of pain.

In addition to physical activity, in addition to reducing stress levels, a cause of menstrual pain, helping to keep all the muscles toned, including the internal uterine and abdominal muscles.

4. Wear tight clothing that forces the abdominal part: in this way the whole part of the belly is compressed, including the uterus, making the process of muscle contraction more difficult and more annoying.

5. Consume refined sugars : refined sugar is a pro-inflammatory: consuming sweet foods before and during the cycle increases the likelihood of suffering from menstrual pain.

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