Do bananas make you fat?

When you want to lose a few pounds, the first fruit to be eliminated from the diet is often the banana.

But ... is it really true that bananas make you fat ? How many calories do they contain and what are the qualities in general?

The calories of bananas

There are different types of bananas. However, on average, 100 grams of banana pulp provide about 89 calories and, therefore, to be a fruit, bananas are actually quite caloric .

This, however, does not justify us completely eliminating them from our diet unless there are particular reasons for doing so and it is our doctor or nutritionist who recommends it.

Completely excluding a food from one's diet in an arbitrary manner and without asking for expert advice is never a good idea .

As far as bananas in particular are concerned, given their rather high caloric value compared to other fruits, they have many qualities that make them valuable for health.

Do bananas make you fat or help you curb hunger?

That it is caloric we have now established. The banana, however, has a high satiating power that makes it a useful food to contain hunger and, therefore, paradoxically, despite the calories, it can sometimes even be helpful for the diet.

Always in the appropriate quantities and in the appropriate manner, of course.

A good time to eat it is in the middle of the morning, as a snack-hungry snack so you don't get hungry at lunch time, or at breakfast .

Furthermore, the banana is an excellent food to be consumed before or after sports activities .

Some thoughts on bananas and diet

Therefore, the banana, to be a fruit, has many calories, a glycemic index higher than other fruits and a rather high quantity of sugars. But we are still talking about a fruit.

All plant and natural foods have beneficial qualities .

There are no foods that make you fat and foods that make you lose weight; there are only balanced dietary regimes and completely wrong habits .

However, if we wanted to compile in the list of foods to avoid, in this list we should put sugary drinks, junk food, certain sweets ... Certainly not bananas, nor other fruits (unless there is a particular and subjective reason to do it).

A fruit, no matter how caloric it may be, taken in the right quantities always falls into a healthy diet.

Furthermore, the banana is sweet and has a flavor that is acceptable to the vast majority of people . This is a big plus point because it can help satisfy that craving for sugar that it sometimes takes suddenly and is difficult to control .

And ... let's think about it: better to eat a banana or dive on a dessert, maybe even industrial and full of fat as well as refined sugars?

The qualities of bananas

Bananas are very rich in minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and above all potassium. They contain a fair amount of vitamin A and vitamin C and a small amount of vegetable protein. Fats are almost absent.

In addition, the banana contains tannins, tryptophan and serotonin, a precious substance for regulating mood. It is one of the least water-rich fruits and brings a lot of fiber.

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