The preserves of autumn and winter

Who says that there are only summer preserves, made with products that are then consumed in the coldest months?

Even the autumn and the winter often give scented fruits that you can't all consume at once, maybe because you don't have many in the family, and, even when you give them to relatives and friends, there is always something that advances; also it is nice to wait for the first spring warmth to open a jar that reminds us of dry leaves, snow and Christmas.

Here are some ideas on how to preserve and prepare something even during the autumn and winter months, taking advantage of relaxation and days of vacation: for you 2 sweet and savory recipes, based on persimmons, figs and turnip greens !

Persimmon jam

Ingredients :

> 4/6 jars of 250ml each with an airtight seal,

> a kilo of persimmons,

> an organic lemon,

> 3 apples or quinces,

> a vanilla pod

> half a glass of rum (optional).

Procedure : clean the persimmons well, recover the pulp, taking care to remove the dark and white filamentous parts, place them in a large pot together with the apples cut into small cubes, an engraved vanilla pod, the skin of an organic lemon that then you will go to remove (only the yellow part, not the bitter white one), the lemon juice. Boil everything for about a couple of hours, very slowly, making sure it doesn't stick, otherwise add a little water. Only towards the end, and if you like, add the rum and leave on the heat for another five minutes.

This recipe does not include sugar, but 100% fruit, precisely because the persimmons are already very sweet; if you prefer you can add 200/300 grams of whole brown sugar. Put the still hot jam in sterilized jars, taking care to remove the lemon peel and the vanilla pod. Turn them over and let them cool covered with a cloth. It is kept in a cool, dry and dark place for about a year.

Keep in mind that the less sugar you put in, the sooner you should eat it. Once opened, the jar should be stored in the refrigerator and the contents consumed as soon as possible. This jam is great for making cookies and pies.

Quince jam, benefits and recipe

Preserve of figs and walnuts with orange perfume

Ingredients :

> 1 kilo of ripe figs,

> 200 grams of whole cane sugar,

> a couple of organic oranges,

> about a pound of walnut kernels.

Procedure : clean the figs well and place them in a large pot with the chopped walnut kernels, sugar, peel (only orange peel) and orange juice. Mix and bring to the boil, leaving to cook slowly for about an hour.

Pour the fig and walnut jam in 4/6 sterilized 250 ml jars, close them, turn them upside down and cover them with a cloth. The conservation rules are the same as the previous ones.

Turnip tops in oil

Ingredients :

> 3 large bunches of turnip tops,

> a couple of liters of water,

> salt,

> white vinegar,

> extra virgin olive oil,

> garlic,

> chilli pepper.

Preparation : boil 2 liters of water, 1 liter of vinegar and a handful of fine salt or a tablespoon of coarse salt in a large pot, pour in the turnip florets, cleaned and washed and chopped (inflorescences, leaves and tender twigs ).

Cook them for about 10 minutes, adjust because they must be al dente, rather crunchy. Drain and pass them on a clean cloth, dabbing gently and letting it dry completely (this step is very important, as it prevents the formation of mold; for this reason there are those who prefer to let the vegetables in salt and lemon dry as well).

Then put them in a bowl and season them with crushed garlic, oil, chilli and leave them to marinate for an hour. Put the vegetables in the jars, removing the garlic and having the foresight to cover them well with the oil, at least a finger above the vegetables.

For greater safety it is recommended to completely sterilize the jars, putting them in a pot of boiling water, letting the water cool down with the jars in oil for an entire night. The product should be stored in a cool, dark and dry environment for around 8-10 months.

Relish, chutney and pickle: what differences?

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