Water, lemon and bicarbonate against cancer: let's be clear

Let us be well informed, please, and we do not believe in online hoaxes . You can't mess with tumors.

Yes, nutrition can help prevent and support anticancer therapies, but from here to think that baking soda alone or with water and lemon does miracles, it passes!

It's okay to detoxify, help digest, you can drink in the morning when you wake up. This yes: here are the realistic benefits of water with baking soda and lemon .

Let's clarify the connection between water with bicarbonate and lemon and their benefits against cancer .

Water, bicarbonate and lemon against cancer: misinformation

Everyone is free to express their opinion, their doubts, their culinary preferences and food tastes. But one thing is the benefits for digesting better, drinking water in the morning to help us detoxify the body, tumors are one thing.

In the case of the bicarbonate and lemon water- based drink, and its hypothetical benefits against cancer, we feel the authoritative parry of those who have always studied cancer: AIRC, or the Italian Association for Cancer Research .

Here is the official AIRC position:

  1. There is no scientific research to support the benefits of baking soda against cancer for humans;
  2. The tumor creates a chemical acid environment, but the bicarbonate taken orally, drunk with water and lemon, does not change the pH of the environment around the tumor cells, and neither the administration of bicarbonate intravenously, or with local injections, is feasible, as dangerous for healthy organs;
  3. The only data currently available comes from studies in progress in the USA (Arizona), which are testing a sodium bicarbonate derivative to change the pH (decreasing the acidity) around the tumor mass . The test is aimed at studying whether this molecule can improve and enhance the effects of chemotherapy . The techniques to localize the "acid zones" around the tumor on which to intervene must still be perfected, perhaps possible through a new method of magnetic resonance.

Water, bicarbonate and lemon against cancer: the real facts

In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology for having discovered how cellular respiration enzymes acted within cancer cells.

The discovery was that cancer cells increase energy production through the glycolysis process (glucose consumption), which occurs in normal cells only in lack of oxygen.

On the other hand, cancer cells activate glycolysis even in the presence of oxygen, and they accumulate a large amount of metabolic "waste" in the form of acid substances . These substances cause the surrounding healthy cells to die, paving the way for tumor growth.

These are the premises from the idea that alkalinizing the surrounding environment can stem the tumor, and therefore, that bicarbonate (which is alkalizing, or change the acid pH) can be used against cancer.

Food as a natural defense: anti-cancer foods

Water, baking soda and lemon: the real benefits

Digest and detoxify : here are the real beneficial effects of the water drink with baking soda and lemon juice. Let's see why:

  • It can help the alkalinization of the organism, that is the modification of the excessively acidic pH, above all at the renal level;
  • Baking soda buffers the effects of excessively acidic gastric juices, in addition to reducing flatulence, and lemon juice helps this process. Sodium bicarbonate can also help reduce gastroesophageal reflux by counteracting excess excess hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach. Therefore, digesting better is one of the benefits of water with lemon juice and bicarbonate;
  • Vitamin C, potassium and magnesium of which lemon juice is rich, have beneficial and antioxidant effects, also active on the liver, which is the purifying organ par excellence. The effect is enhanced by water, which taken in the morning on an empty stomach helps the "removal" of the slag bringing them with it in its flow. Detoxifying is therefore the other benefit of water with lemon juice and baking soda.

Water, bicarbonate and lemon: use and contraindications

After a night spent detoxifying, our body has the need to eliminate the accumulated waste, to rehydrate itself, and it is ready to assimilate the beneficial substances that we will introduce you.

The fasting morning is therefore the best time to drink water with baking soda and lemon juice, in order to receive the greatest benefits.

How to do it: prepare a glass of mineral water at room temperature (not cold or heated), add a tablespoon of baking soda and the juice of half a lemon ; mix carefully, and drink immediately.

The minimum recommended intake period is 2 consecutive weeks, followed by a break of another 2 weeks. The cycle can be repeated.

Contraindications : the daily and frequent use of this drink is not recommended for those suffering from hypertension and water retention, as it leads to an excess of sodium.

Likewise, those suffering from gastritis should test their personal reaction before drinking this remedy (start with a few sips, before drinking the entire glass, and listen to your body). If in doubt, consult your doctor.

Water and lemon, the detox remedy that helps you lose weight

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