Cod liver oil, benefits and contraindications

When he was little he turned up his nose when his mother approached in the morning with that evil spoon that tasted of fish.

Instead, the latest research has re-promoted cod liver oil as a beneficial and healing substance for the body, a panacea with a thousand properties.

In fact, thanks to the richness in Omega-3 fatty acids, essential fatty acid, anti-cholesterol-lowering and contrasting cardiovascular diseases, cod liver oil has always been a highly sought-after product, above all for the prevention of diseases that hit more frequently in the past, such as rickets or disorders related to vitamin deficiency .

The use of cod liver oil today

Cod liver oil has once again become a popular supplement due to its strengthening action on the body .

In particular, the substances it contains, combined with the beneficial action of the sun's rays, improve the absorption of intestinal calcium and phosphorus and increase its deposit in the right places, such as teeth and bones, making them more resistant to attacks of osteoporosis and the danger of fractures. Furthermore, according to the latest research, it would be able to prevent more serious pathologies, such as colon and rectum cancer or multiple sclerosis (according to a recent study published online in the Multiple Sclerosis Journal ), turning off inflammatory states and fighting bad cholesterol.

Properties and benefits of the oil

In addition to containing Omega-3, cod liver oil contains vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, iodine, with antioxidant, protective properties that help the body, especially the intestines and thyroid, to function properly .

Thanks to its antioxidant action, it helps skin and hair with ointments and dressings, treating acne and blemishes, helping to heal wounds, treat ulcers, sores or burns, and countering dandruff; it also helps strengthen nails.


But beware of any side effects due to the excess of vitamins that this oil contains, so it is good not to abuse them .

In particular the hypervitaminosis connected to the abuse of cod liver oil, especially with regard to vitamin A, can lead to an enlarged liver, hair fragility, dry skin, calcium deposits in arteries and kidney stones.

Also read Cod liver oil among antioxidant supplements >>

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