Flying Yoga Dance® The dance of the self

Cristian Bevilacqua: from dancer to self dancer

Cristian Bevilacquer, professional dancer, holistic operator, advanced postural fitness operator, GYROKINESIS® trainer and trainer of GYROTONIC® was inspired by Antigravity yoga, Dance and GYROKINESIS® to create a new discipline: Flying Yoga Dance®, thus raising his dance towards a true and proper " dance of the self ".

The author Paola De Vera of Aragona writes in the book " La danza del sé ":

" From time immemorial, man represents himself with the symbolism of the tree that has its roots in the earth and rises with its hair in the sky . And, in nature, the plants, as they rise towards the light, sink more and more roots in the earth.

Dance, like the tree, represents ascending and descending in complementary ways. Because dancing we dive into the body to go back to the soul ... and then go back to our roots. "

In Flying Yoga Dance®, as in dance, the journey and the ascent from the body to the soul is the same, although more than the tree, this discipline is linked to the orchid, as its roots are airy so they grow in height and not in depth.

More than a yoga in flight, Flying Yoga Dance® is a "dance of the self" in flight, its desire is to allow everyone to experience the pleasant sensation of being suspended in the air, and to derive the physical benefits that derive from the classic positions of yoga ( asana ) thanks to the facilitation from the support of the fabric hammock, but above all to make the spirit feel lighter and rise, as only DANCE can do, the liberation of the soul, the annulment of every thought, the emptying of the mind and the shaping of the body, transcending from the body itself. From this DANCE the whole Italian Discipline, or rather Salentina, of FLYING YOGA DANCE® is born, a fitness regime designed to increase the general level of health and agility, to lighten up the soul and free the Spirit in the people who practice it.

The upside down dance that frees the mind and shapes the body

The Flying Yoga Dance ® session lasts 60 minutes and is practiced with the help of a special hammock hanging from the ceiling that allows the body to perform the movements without the constraints due to gravity. Techniques taken from dance, Pilates, GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS ® and Calisthenics gymnastics have been added to the typical yoga asanas, to create a complete work that models the body by realigning the compressions due to gravity. The concept of aiding instruments to facilitate the achievement of the position recalls the style of Iyengar yoga, but the difference is undoubtedly in the adherence to its original principles. In the Flying Yoga Dance® technique the reference to yoga is given more by the search for a total relaxation of the body - and therefore a release from stress and mental fatigue - than from the search for fusion with the absolute ; the practice is almost entirely a fitness discipline that perhaps only the name has in common with real yoga.

Music, interspersed with New Age to promote relaxation and accompany stretching, and Italian light music, soul electronics, drum and bass, which accompanies the entire session, at the end of which an aerial choreography is always expected, using the fabric as a partner, or a final relaxation completely suspended and abandoned inside the hammock which, in this case, acts as a real cradle.

The benefits of Flying Yoga Dance®

The benefits of Flying Yoga Dance® are linked to the fact that muscular effort is performed without being at the expense of the spine and therefore, even in the most complicated positions - think of the upside down positions of yoga - there is no danger of trauma. In addition to not causing trauma, the fact of being "hung" to a support contributes to the stretching of the spine with the consequent benefit of the entire musculoskeletal and nervous system. The muscles that are strengthened also, thanks to the sequence of exercises proposed, are those of the lower and upper limbs, of the abdominal band and the so-called "core muscels", the supporting muscles: all developing elegance of movement, fluidity, sense of balance and greater perception of one's body.

But, above all, Cristian Bevilacqua, its creator, likes to put the accent on the fact that it is extremely liberating and amusing, as well as healthy and that it is not necessary to have studied dance to practice, everyone, really everyone can do it ... everyone can to fly.

Also read Antigravity Yoga >>

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