Intestinal dysbiosis, cure it with natural products and bach flowers

The intestine is considered the most important immune organ, and therefore needs more attention.

Several scientific studies carried out and other studies still in progress show how badly its dysbiosis can affect our body.

What is dysbiosis?

Dysbiosis is an alteration of the intestinal ecosystem, due to a fast and incorrect diet, stress, climatic changes, use of antibiotics, drug abuse, use of alcohol, constipation and anxiety.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms are generally aerophagia, meteorism, halitosis, abdominal swelling, fatigue, constipation alternating with diarrhea (colitis), drowsiness or vice versa, frequent relapses of flu, sore throat, nausea, headache, depression.

What are the consequences of dysbiosis?

Dysbiosis is not a disease but triggers several of various types: chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis, intestinal polyposis, diverticulosis, tumor growths, allergies, food intolerances, dysmetabolic diseases, circulatory disorders, recurrent infections (cystitis, candidiasis).

Recent studies have shown that the state of intoxication created by dysbiosis also acts on the neurovegetative system.

How can we intervene?

To prevent dysbiosis it is important:

  • correct nutrition, avoiding ready-made or too refined foods; make use of whole foods, cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables, drink at least a liter of water a day (non-carbonated);
  • physical activity: helps to reduce stress, helps circulation, the elimination of stagnant fluids and intestinal peristalsis;
  • relaxation, meditation or yoga, which does not involve a great deal of time but certainly helps to lighten the mind from negative thoughts, improving memory, concentration and consequently lightens the intestine;
  • hydrocolon assisted therapy that cleans the intestine deeply;
  • use of probiotics periodically, there are very valid ones on the market. I recommend choosing probiotics without the presence of "gluten", and using them for about ten days a month;
  • to purify the organism periodically, above all in the seasonal changes.

What natural products can help us?

We can use the artichoke (to be avoided in the case of calculosis), dandelion, milk thistle, boldo, rosemary, solidago, centaurea minor, herbal tea based on green tea, chamomile, ginger, hawthorn, nettle.

You will find ready-made compounds, always being advised by your doctor or trusted herbalist, the choice must be made according to your land needs . No do it yourself.

Purification with Bach Flowers?

It is also possible to purify with Bach flowers .

Crab Apple (wild apple), is the flower of purification, of inner cleanliness. I generally recommend 3 drops of essence in a liter of water to drink during the day for a month.

Olive (olive), very useful for cleaning the liver, balances that state of exhaustion that often accompanies the dysbiotic intestinal state, 3 drops in a liter of water to drink during the day and can be mixed with the Crab Apple, the two flowers together in the same bottle. Take care of your intestines.

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