How to make a healthy breakfast

Breakfast should bring about 20/25% of the total calories present in the daily diet .

As a result, in a normal 2, 000-calorie diet, breakfast should provide about 400/500 calories.

However, we must not think only in terms of calories; in fact, the composition of foods is fundamental; for example, a 120 gram banana contains about 80 calories, there are industrial snacks that have less, but eating a banana or a snack is not the same thing in terms of nutrients; therefore, to make a healthy breakfast, as well as to the calories it is necessary to pay a lot of attention to the quality.

A healthy breakfast is also varied

We Italians are used to sweet breakfast, while in other countries we enjoy eating a savory breakfast, this teaches us that breakfast can be a meal to be varied and with which we can indulge ourselves exactly as we do with the other appointments at the table of the day .

An example of a wrong Italian breakfast is the classic cappuccino with a croissant that is consumed at the bar : too many calories, but above all too much fat and too much sugar. Snacks, biscuits and other confectionery products of industrial production should also be avoided; cold cuts and sausages; butter and fat cheeses.

An excellent example of a good breakfast that we can take from our country tradition is a nice slice of bread and tomato ; the bread can be fresh or toasted, preferably obtained with a slightly refined flour. Other foods indicated for a healthy breakfast are nuts, whole grains, yogurt, better if lean, fruit, jam, but also a hard-boiled egg or low-fat cheese, if you prefer.

A few tips for a healthy breakfast

> The first rule is not to skip breakfast . If you feel like you don't have time, you'll probably need just a little more organization and set your alarm ten minutes earlier. Those who do not have breakfast are more exposed to the risk of overweight and obesity.

> Taking a running coffee is not breakfast. Coffee should never be drunk on an empty stomach because it causes gastric hypersecretion which can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and lead to disorders such as esophageal reflux and gastritis.

> It is a good idea to avoid foods that are too rich in sugar, responsible for a peak in blood sugar that subsequently collapses, causing the sense of hunger to return and encouraging you to dive on the food. For the sweet tooth, who do not want to give up dessert for breakfast, it is preferable to prepare some simple cakes at home, with little fat and little sugar.

> Attention to the ingredients . For example, do you know what cereals contain for breakfast? They are often too rich in sugar and salt. Yes: salt. Better to choose natural cereals, for example oats.

Even vegetable milks can hide pitfalls and, for example, contain added sugars or fats; the advice, therefore, is to always read the labels carefully before buying a product.

> Breakfast is a great time to consume fresh fruit, varying according to the season.

> Oilseeds are a concentrate of nutrients; they contain high quality fibers, minerals, enzymes, proteins and fats. They are very caloric, it is true, but a couple of nuts or some almonds at breakfast favor the well-being of the organism.

A good breakfast must therefore contain fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, good fats, minerals and vitamins.

Finally, let's not forget the water, even that found in fruit, in natural drinks (juices and juices, for example), tea and herbal teas; our body is composed mainly of water and therefore we need so much, starting from breakfast.

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