Natural supplements for memory

Food supplements for memory are formulated with herbs and medicinal plants indicated to stimulate the brain, promote its function of storing information, and promote the ability to recover and therefore remember them.

Often states of stress and depression affect the yield of memory and for this reason the use of plant adaptogens, within these compositions, beneficially affects concentration and cognitive and mnemonic functions .

Also disorders of the circulatory system prevent the correct oxygenation of the tissues and their nourishment, for this reason, the supplements are formulated with plants with antioxidant, antisclerotic and blood thinning action .

The memory

Memory is defined as the brain's ability to retain information . This process takes place in the 3 phases : the processing of the information received (coding); the creation of permanent recordings of the encoded information (storage); and the recovery of the information stored in this way, in response to some solicitation (recall).

The most widespread criterion for memory classification is based on the duration of memory retention, identifying three distinct types of memory: sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory .

This brain function can decline or deteriorate due to various factors such as the action of certain chemicals (pollutants, drugs, drugs); neurological diseases ; brain damage due to trauma; or for psychological defense mechanisms. The most common causes of memory problems are depression, as it slows down mental processes; stress, which affects the ability to memorize and recall memory; and finally aging .

The symptoms of memory disorders vary from person to person. Some manifest themselves with difficulty in finding words and remembering names ; others more serious, such as the inability to remember conversations or meetings with other people. The elderly usually have a common memory loss, derived from the aging of the body.

Integrators for memory

Natural memory supplements help counteract psycho-physical fatigue and support the body during periods of increased fatigue. You can use these products when the first signs of aging appear, under examination or when more intellectual work is required or when the hectic pace of daily life does not allow you to recover lost energy.

Some herbs for memory help to improve the activity of neurons in the transmission of nerve impulses, for their stimulating action, thus favoring the process of concentration and memorization . These include:

  • the Ginkgo Biloba: particularly known for its activity on the venous, arterial and capillary circulation, the plant is widely used as a blood thinner, because it reduces its viscosity, with beneficial effects, on the blood circulation of the brain tissues. In fact, due to its ability to promote a correct distribution of oxygen and glucose to the brain, it increases mental acuity, concentration, short-term memory, cognitive ability and sight. Numerous studies have also shown that the use of ginkgo counteracts the phenomena of atherosclerosis in the elderly and slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Its leaves contain terpenes, (ginkgolide B) which improve tissue spraying ; while the polyphenols and flavonoids (ginketol, isiginketol, bilabetol, ginkolide) act on cell membranes, stabilizing them and counteract the formation of free radicals.
  • Plant adaptogens: all plants able to act on the immune, endocrine and nervous systems and to improve the body's ability to adapt to stress and climate or seasonal changes belong to this category. Adaptogenic plants increase resistance to fatigue, rebalance metabolic functions, increase cognitive abilities, helping to produce a general improvement in psychophysical conditions. They are therefore specific to combat, even for preventive purposes, the negative effects of stress. Always living in a hurry, insufficient rest, and emotional causes give rise to disorders such as anxiety, insomnia, irritability, difficulty concentrating, food imbalances, fatigue and depression. Their invigorating and stimulating action on the central nervous system increase the electrical activity of the cells of the cerebral cortex and are therefore indicated in periods of reduced capacity for performance and concentration, in fatigue due to surmenage, in the case of examinations .

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Other natural substances used in memory supplements help improve blood flow to the brain, thus providing the vital nutrients and antioxidants it needs to perform its functions effectively. In particular, antioxidants fight dangerous free radicals that can cause serious cell damage.

  • Wheat germ oil: its intake in the form of pearls or as a raw seasoning, it provides, in addition to vitamin E (of which it is the main natural source), calcium, copper, manganese, magnesium, B vitamins and phosphorus. The main function of vitamin E is to act as an antioxidant, particularly protecting the cell membrane from the harmful action of free radicals and their chain reactions. An action linked to the previous one is the saving of oxygen, as the Tocopherol by binding to oxygen prevents its transformation into peroxide, thus allowing a more complete use of the oxygen content present. Its fluidifying capacity increases the supply of oxygen to the brain, without coagulating. Another important activity is the inhibition of thrombus formation and related complications (decreases thrombin formation).
  • Soya lecithin: phosphatidylserine improves memory and cognitive ability. Brings choline (or Vitamin J), an organic substance essential for nerve function that improves intellectual efficiency and memory abilities . Choline deficiency can lead to neurological problems such as Alzheimer's disease and an increase in systemic blood pressure. The use of lecithin is also recommended in case of mental fatigue and in the preparation of exams.
  • Fish oil: it is rich in omega 3, essential fatty acids essential for improving the response of neurotransmitters of brain cells, and other messengers. These substances are useful for promoting the function of the central nervous system, as they help the repair process, when the cells are damaged and are therefore indicated in the presence of poor concentration, in case of excessive fatigue, poor lucidity, poor quality of sleep and memory problems.


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