Hydrocolontherapy: a healthy and clean intestine

Hydrocolontherapy: a healthy and clean intestine is the prerequisite for a healthy and beautiful body

In the United States, especially in California, in natural medical centers, gyms and beauty farms, getting a 'colonic' is as common as having a massage and in Germany it has been repaid for years by the official medicine as preparation for surgical interventions or radiological investigations. According to some researchers, today's stressful rhythms, a sedentary lifestyle, a diet rich in refined foods, with a high saturated fat and low natural fiber content, interfere problematically in the normal functioning of the colon. The malfunctioning of the colon inevitably causes a reabsorption of water rich in toxic substances not expelled, which are reabsorbed into the bloodstream and transported directly to the liver, in particular, mineral salts, terminal products of the metabolism of sugars, fats and proteins. Too high amounts of toxins can create problems for the whole organism up to a real self-intoxication and a dysbiosis, or the dangerous growth of pathogenic microorganisms, aggravated by a sort of limestone incrustation of hardened material on the colic mucosa (which can reach some centimeters thick and several pounds of weight!), which further alters the absorbent and detoxifying functions of the colon.

Most of today's health problems are due to a bad state of intestinal cleansing

Toxemia then begins in the colon but its harmful effects propagate throughout the entire body giving rise to numerous problems such as headache, anxiety, acne, allergies, food intolerances, halitosis, constipation, colitis, diverticulosis, abdominal swelling, eczema, rhinitis, asthma and candida. The same immune system can be weakened because the mucosa that internally covers the colon is one of the body's main defense systems. Recent scientific studies are also recording interesting results in colonic-associated therapies for diseases such as psoriasis, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and primary prophylaxis of colorectal cancer (of intestinal neoplasms).

An innovative therapy to purify in depth and stay young for a long time

Hydrocolontherapy is therefore a very powerful detoxifying technique and it is a real pity that here in Italy it is still little known and practiced. Those who undergo hydrocolontherapy, in addition to finding extraordinary benefit in the symptoms listed above, show immediate benefits both at a general level ( sense of lightness, better digestion and disappearance of abdominal swelling, meteorism and post-prandial drowsiness), and cutaneous (skin it becomes brighter, less oily and acneic and the appearance of the face is more serene and relaxed). This gentle treatment can be administered at all ages and is not at all painful and dangerous, if carried out under the supervision of an experienced doctor; in a few sessions the state of the bacterial flora is brought back to optimal levels and the intestine returns to work at full speed. NB: Always on medical advice, a pre and post treatment protocol with supplements and enzymes is recommended, in order to prevent any depletion of the bacterial flora.

Directions :

Halitosis, constipation, diarrhea, meteorism, flatulence, abdominal bloating, candidiasis, colitis, haemorrhoids, spastic colon, diverticulosis, parasite infections, mycosis, allergic diseases, dermatitis, acne, eczema, asthma, immune weakness, depression, headache, fatigue chronic, Crohn's disease. Recent studies also confirm a primary prophylaxis action of colon rectal carcinoma. Useful in the deep preparation of endoscopic and / or radiological examinations. Even children and pregnant women.

History: Today it is common to suffer from chronic constipation, swelling and flatulence caused mainly by an unnatural diet and the abuse of medicines. In these conditions the intestine loses its normal shape and is full of incrustations (almost all people present decayed incrustations up to 2-3 kg of weight without realizing it). Even people who evacuate regularly have a colon full of hardened and encrusted fecal residues along the walls. These residues accumulated together with the toxic substances produced due to an altered bacterial flora poison the entire organism to the point of facilitating the onset of many pathologies and a weakening of the immune system. HYDROCOLONTERAPY is a technique reborn in the 1930s in the USA, where today it is widespread, as well as in France and England but in reality, it has been known since ancient times. On papyrus dating back to 1500 BC (Ebers papyrus) an archaic technique of hydrocolontherapy is described which involved the use of large gourds and emptied pumpkins filled with water that was made to rise in the patient's colon by means of a flexible tube made from perennials from the hollow interior. Even Hippocrates, the father of medicine, recommended (we are in the fifth century BC) as an anti-fever therapy the use of the enema. However, it is necessary to take a leap forward over more than two thousand years to witness the development of modern colon hydrotherapy or hydrocolontherapy. At the end of the nineteenth century in Germany the Subaquale Innenbad (the "internal bath in immersion") was very popular and at the beginning of the twentieth century it was developed by dr. Brosch is a device (the "enterocleaner") for practicing Hydrocolon therapy that is much more refined than the "pumpkin" one used by Egyptian healers. Two US hygienists, James W. Wiltsie and Joseph EG Waddington, then systematically studied the relationship between poor bowel health and poor health, drawing attention to the importance of colon cleansing as a stimulus therapy of peristalsis and normalization of bacterial flora. Currently the reliability of today's version of the technique has been confirmed by more than 50 years of practice and research in different countries of the world and especially in the United States, where Snyder and Waddington, with an experience of more than 16 thousand intestinal irrigations without no inconvenience, I am able to affirm the total innocuousness of this therapeutic practice.

Dr. Patrick Hermes Barbon, (www.olimed.org).

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