Do you already know the gout diet?

Once it was the disease of the rich, because they were the only ones who could afford meat every day, so much to be sick.

Gout today is much less "class" but always linked to the feeding, or better, to the excess of animal proteins, or problems in the metabolism - in the "disposal" - of proteins, which cause painful accumulation of uric acid at the level of the joints.

There is a pharmacological treatment to reduce the symptoms, but above all a diet recommended in case of gout .

Let's see it together, discovering the foods you prefer and those to avoid .

The gout diet: "yes" foods, to be preferred

In the case of gout, these are the foods to be integrated into the diet:

> Cereals (bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, various types of cereals, as starch facilitates the elimination of uric acid) better if they are whole;

> Lean milk and dairy products (yogurt, ricotta) or Parmesan cheese;

> Eggs;

> Fruits and vegetables : at least one portion in each meal, without exceeding the fruit (no more than 3 grams per day as it seems that fructose increases the accumulation of uric acid); cherries seem to be associated with a more rapid decrease in gout symptoms;

> EVO Oil : Extra Virgin Olive Oil, to be used raw, one teaspoon per meal;

> Water : drink a lot to help detoxification; at least 1.5 liters a day, preferably oligomineral.

The gout diet: "no" foods, to be avoided

> Spirits : wine, beer, spirits. Promote the formation of uric acid deposits;

> Blue fish : anchovies, anchovies, sardines, mackerel;

> Offal, game, lard and lard ;

> Shellfish, seafood ;

> Sausages and preserved foods in general;

> Foods containing monosodium glutamate (check labels carefully) for example kitchen nuts and soy sauce;

> Sugary drinks.

The diet for gout: "maybe" foods, to be consumed in moderation

> White meat, maximum 100 grams per day;

> Cold cuts, maximum 50 grams per day;

> Legumes ;

> Fish (for example hake, cod, trout, sole), maximum 150 grams per day;

> Some vegetables : asparagus, spinach, cauliflower;

> Mushrooms ;

The gout diet: an example

In case of gout, the diet will be evaluated with a specialist, but we can see the general advice for a "gotta-free" day.


Skim milk or soy, with wholemeal rusks and honey;


Cow or soy yogurt with strawberries;


A salad dressed with mustard, rice with tomato and extra virgin olive oil, a portion of legumes;


A handful of dried fruit;


Two boiled eggs, raw fennel salad, whole wheat bread, cherries

Try water and lemon, a useful remedy also against gout

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