Ayurvedic tips for hair beauty

We are not interested in fashion, the trendiest cuts or colors: no, we aim straight at the essential, we want healthy, soft and shiny hair .

Since no hairdresser can replace our daily care, it is essential to understand what they need and how to feed them in the most appropriate way.

Hundreds of products try to satisfy this feminine need, but we are about to find out what Ayurvedic medicine has in store for our hair .

Dosha and hair

As always in ayurveda it is necessary to start from the beginning, that is not enough to say "hair": it is essential to understand to whom that hair belongs, specifically, to the dosha of the owner.

Their characteristics, as we shall see, vary greatly depending on the Joshua conformation to which they refer, so the approaches to taking care of them will be different.


> VATA Hair: hair in general is dry, dry, frizzy. They are easily knotted and tend to split ends .

> PITTA Hair: hair is usually delicate, thin, with a tendency to graying and falling. In color, in general, blond or red / coppery.

> KAPHA hair: the hair is wavy, soft, thick, shiny. They are often tending to fat.

By testing the Ayurvedic constitution, everyone can become aware of the peculiarities of their hair and thus intervene on it in a targeted and profitable way, improving their appearance and health.

The importance of massage for hair wellness

Taking note of the doshica constitution, let us now see how to act to pamper our hair on a daily basis.

Fundamental in Ayurvedic medicine is the oiling of the head which consists of a circular massage of the scalp with slow and deep movements.

The massage then expands to lengths so that they too are nourished to the last tip. In this case, it is necessary to supply yourself with coconut oil, linseed oil, amla oil, sesame oil: choose your favorite one and arm yourself with patience and sweetness.

This procedure can be performed once a week and is an unparalleled beneficial injection for roots and lengths.

From time to time, you can decide to treat yourself to an extra treat, entrusting yourself to the expert hands of a therapist with a nice specific hair massage: the so-called kesabhyangam, a veritable tonic "cure" for your hair that will come out stronger, bright and invigorated.

Hair is not just an object of vanity or an instrument of seduction, it is one of the many indicators of health. Taking care of it, as we have seen, can go beyond a quick shampoo or a haircut every week.

Ayurvedic medicine teaches us that a simple massage improves circulation, strengthens the hair, prevents split ends, delays the fall and ... can cost a mindful moment of relaxation and attention to our mind, an opportunity to detach the plug and immerse yourself in the pleasure given by the touch of our fingers.

Find out more about ayurvedic hair massage

To know more:

> Hair, disorders and all remedies

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