Self-esteem, a spiritual and practical approach

Presence and connection

Everything is coming and going just like clouds in the sky. Mooji (Everything comes and goes like clouds in the sky)

I remember, at the end of my twenties, that I had attended a course on self-esteem. At one point the facilitator asked the group to give a definition of self-esteem. Suddenly he pointed his finger in my direction for an answer. At that moment I was a little absent, dazed, with an empty mind and then I looked at him without answering, breathing, in silence. And he said: this is self-esteem!

After so much research on spiritual well-being I now understand the meaning of that moment: it is in the emptiness of the mind, in the silence of the ego, in pure being, that we find the value of ourselves and of life.

When we forget who we are, where we come from, and where we go, a void is created and a state of pure presence remains . In this state there is no room for self-criticism, only connection and profound calm.

In the emptiness of presence we let go of every identity and become like children when they play. Children have no self-esteem problems, they just play . Their mind is not yet developed, so there is no self-criticism, only instinct. There is no interpretation, only experience.

In the present moment and in the game there is no judgment, only pure joy in creativity. Is the mind the problem at the basis of self-esteem? In my experience the mind can be a cause of great suffering . The good news is that we have the power to direct it, in addition to possessing a more intuitive and authentic way of living, based on the connection with the universal inner creative force.

So let's see step by step how to overcome negative mental and emotional states, which block this state of presence and connection, at the base of self-esteem and the unconditional love of the self.

Look at the mind and empty it

We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are. Anais Nin (We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are) Neutral observation and the release of negative thoughts, emotions and physical tensions allow us to free ourselves from external conditioning and to live without comparison . It is a question of listening deeply, looking at the external reality with detachment, releasing forms of thoughts and automatic behaviors that do not belong to us.

We live in a society that bombards us with images of how we must be and act. Family, school and the culture of belonging impose rules and behavior patterns on us : fixed images with which we identify ourselves, and which become mental filters through which we interpret existence.

Think for example of stereotypes about women, emotional and dedicated to intimate relationships and those about men, rational and always ready to fight. Or the scientific paradigm of the Western world that disregards the world of subtle energies, instinct and the archetypes of the soul .

These predefined images influence our vision, we are in fact invaded by the visions of others. Conforming to roles and rules prevents us from having a fresh and original experience of ourselves and of life . In the lack of expression of our authentic self emerges self-criticism and the negative judgment of ourselves. The awareness and release of our thoughts is fundamental, as is that of the relative emotions reflected in the body.

Listening without judgment makes us fluid, thoughts and emotions observed with neutrality enter and leave the body. For example: I'm not skinny enough ..... comes in and goes out, I failed as a mother, comes in and out, I'm not good with money, comes in and out ... I'm scared, comes in and out ... I have pain in the heart, enter and exit. Observe and empty . Let go of everything like clouds passing in the sky.

Above all, it is important to listen to tensions in the body and emotions. The mind in fact tends to repress them, for defense. How do I feel right now, what happens in the body? Watch the tension in the body and let it go. Watch the emotion and let it go . Use your breath, inhale and breathe slowly, watch and release.

The practice of observing and emptying leads you to stay in the present, to let go of thoughts about the past and expectations about the future. When you empty all your memories and desires, you remain only in the present. And a silence rises from the depths . A great sense of peace, made of breath and emptiness.

This is not an original idea, it belongs to many religions and philosophies. I talk about it because I applied it and it works. It works because it's simple. You must not object to your critical thinking. You slide it through, without resistance.

You don't have to repress negative emotions, which unexpressed turn into even physical tensions. Listen to them and let them flow. You hear them and let them go. You become transparent: everything passes through you. Fear comes and goes, anxiety comes and goes, pain comes and goes, anger comes and goes. And my Self looks aloof.

And do the same with the thoughts and emotions of others, with their wrong behaviors and their judgments . Let them flow in and out of your body. They are nothing but projections of their ego, of their wounded personality. Do not get angry. Be transparent.

We all have a spirit inside that wants to break free and the first step is to empty everything, so that we can listen to our essence, eternal, magical and precious.

Perceive with the senses and beyond

Whoever brought me here, will have to take me home. Rumi (Whoever brought me here, will have to take me home)

Perception, like the ability to receive information from the environment, creates self-esteem . It provides us with an inner compass that guides us in every single step in life. The force that brought me into the world, which allowed the growth of my body and moves the whole universe, must also be able to guide me in coherence and harmony.

To receive this guide, to hear the messages of the soul and the universe, I must open up, put myself in a state of reception. It is about perceiving the environment around me, the facts, things, thoughts and behaviors clearly and without interpretation .

And to perceive my inner voice, the truest one that belongs to my essence. It is a matter of putting experience before the interpretation of the mind, first I then feel interpreted.

It is about being in the present moment, the empty mind, and only perceiving, with the five senses and beyond. If you look at a sleeping cat you can understand what I mean. The cat is relaxed but suddenly wakes up, all his senses are on the alert. Then he very firmly perceives: a sound, a smell, the tactile sensation of the wind, a small animal that runs away, the mouth watering from the smell of food.

Listen with the 5 senses. So much information is received, in neutrality and the mind is quiet because it does not think, only listen, see, smell, taste and feel with the skin. Perceiving means listening to the body. This is what shamans know well, when they say that the higher self speaks to the body directly, bypassing the conscious mind.

I use the principle also for shopping: if a dress gives me a feeling of expansion in the heart I buy it, if it causes me constriction in the third eye I leave it. The body connects us to our instinct through precise and individual sensations . Try small things, listen to the reactions in the body to people and ideas, to foods and environments. Feel with the body.

Another concept that belongs to shamanism but also to quantum physics, is the fact of living in a sea of ​​living and conscious energy, an intelligent universe that interacts with us continuously . Shamans listen to the mountains, the wind, the sea and the woods, receive messages from nature and listen to his wisdom.

I recently went trekking in Slovenia and as I climbed I asked the mountain to send me a vision of my future. I've seen hard-working ants everywhere, who have talked to me about communities. At the top of the mountain, I felt the power of rock and earth but also of the stars and the cosmos. This taught me that I must be rooted but that I also have an expanded vision.

I also understood that if I take one step at a time I reach the top, although it seems an impossible mission (4 hours of walking with little training!) Another type of listening is the inner metaphorical perception or our subconscious that speaks to us through symbols, myths, archetypes and deities. Our soul expresses itself in a complex language, often more dreamlike than logical, but no less effective. Always in the example of climbing, after the first 20 minutes I thought I was dying! With my heart pounding and my leg muscles trembling, I was about to give up.

I asked for help and the image of Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent God, arrived. This snake moves slowly crawling with its belly on the earth but can rise with powerful wings. It is connected to the third eye and to the ability to see, as how to be flying sees things from above, with a broad perspective.

I immediately shifted my attention to the center of gravity of my belly and my legs ... At first I was with all the energy in my shoulders trying to push myself forward. I started like crawling, just moving legs and hips, and it was so much easier!

At the same time I focused on the image of the shelter as a final vision of my journey. Identifying myself with the snake, I allowed myself to be enveloped by its coils, inhaling the energy from the earth into the legs and along the spine, my third eye fixed on the goal of the shelter on the horizon. Proceeding slowly but determinedly and lightly, I reached my goal.

In summary, the ability to perceive connects us to a navigation system, instinctual and personalized, which increases self-confidence by giving us the ability to pursue our goals. Having climbed Mount Triglav increased my self-esteem, I discovered that I could do something I had never done before.

Imagine and understand

You create your own reality. Seth (You create your reality)

In terms of pure energy mechanics, to perceive means to receive from the universal unified field . The unified field can be compared to the internet and we to users looking for information.

It becomes that the other side of communication is transmitting. As beings of light we creatively transmit our energy to the universe. We do it continuously with words, emotions and actions, but the first step is our ability to focus on precise intentions and imagine different visions of reality.

When we manifest and become creators we increase our sense of value and personal power, in addition to the pleasure itself of expressing our talents.

The practice of setting goals and imagining different scenarios of reality creates an energy matrix that attracts events, people and synchronicity. In every area of ​​life, health, work, personal relationships, wealth, setting long-term visions creates an energy anchor to hook into the present.

There are various ways to create this transmission to the field and perhaps the most important element is simply to do it, with confidence. At first the process may seem confusing. There are many things we want in life, sometimes in conflict with each other . This is why the first two steps outlined, that of emptying and receiving are important.

In silence, thoughts, images and sensations slowly emerge of what we want. Sometimes what we want are qualities like love, courage or freedom, and it's okay to start like this : imagine how it would feel if this quality were present in our lives now, feeling them with all being, mind, emotions and body.

When you imagine a small goal or a great vision, it is the end result that you want to represent: the ideal home, work, lover. If we had all the necessary resources, what would we really want to create in our lives?

What is the final destination? To create a vision you can use symbols, objects and colors, creative writing, written and verbal statements, lists of projects and ideas, lists of talents we possess, successes already achieved, friends who can help us. In the beginning the process is like a free stream of consciousness, during which it is better to remain fluid and accept the confusion of ideas .

Slowly, in fact, the vision is outlined and becomes increasingly specific. With a specific and essential final vision it becomes easier to focus.

An aspect that can emerge when we intend to convey our vision is resistance, or all those reasons why it is impossible for our dreams to come true . Wounds from childhood, mortifications or other negative conditioning of the environment can come to the surface.

Becoming creators means becoming responsible for ourselves, becoming parents of our inner child and mentors ourselves, in the unconditional acceptance of our strengths and weaknesses, failures and successes.

When doubt, difficult emotion or the sense of limitation emerge, we must empty again, going into inner silence. The void can be uncomfortable and scary. It is often easier to fill us with things to do. But it is in the silence, in the breath from the depth that we can listen to the true voice of the soul and understand what we really want to create.

Simplicity is the ultimate perfection. Leonardo da Vinci

To conclude, the circle closes on itself, with the three indicated steps of neutral observation, of perception and intention, which are combined together in a dynamic and non-linear process.

In the energy field the equation is very simple: I empty, I receive and I transmit. In the field of words, when I am free from limiting patterns, rules or thoughts I have the freedom to make original choices, and in constant connection with an intelligent and magical universe, I live the ecstasy of creative expression. There is no separation between us and the divine, between our energy body and the unified field. We are light and we are creators.

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