Natural whiteners for healthy teeth

Natural whiteners for healthy teeth

Coffee, tea and tobacco are enemies for the natural and healthy whiteness of your teeth. To make sure that they are aesthetically beautiful, shiny and to make them shine naturally, here are a few effective tricks. The watchword is constancy, or remember to put into practice every fifteen days some natural strategy that over time will give you a bright smile. We know together a list of natural ingredients useful for whitening teeth and how to use them.

Lemon and orange against yellow teeth

Lemon juice is rich in ascorbic acid, a substance which, in contact with oxygen, releases hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide), hence the whitening effect. This acid corrodes the enamel if used very frequently. We therefore recommend periodic rinsing, once a month, with lemon juice diluted in water or a few drops to be mixed with baking soda, creating a moist dough, to be used on the toothbrush. The white part of orange and lemon, rubbed on the teeth, are equally effective against yellowed teeth.

Baking soda against stains

Sodium bicarbonate is a good remedy to whiten teeth naturally, but should not be used dry on the tooth surface, otherwise it risks scratching the enamel. The bicarbonate comes into contact with acid substances, releasing carbon dioxide forming a foam that helps remove any impurities and residues present on the surface of the teeth . How to proceed? You can rinse every fifteen days or so with a tablespoon of baking soda diluted in a glass of water, or mix it with other natural ingredients, such as lemon, strawberries, oil and essential oils such as malaleuca oil, lavender, essential oil of sage or peppermint. Used consistently it is effective against coffee and nicotine stains.

To have healthy teeth, prevent the causes of toothache

Araak tree root, natural toothbrush

The araak tree is part of the Salvadoran family and grows in the Middle East and Asia. Its root, also called "siwak", which means massage, was used already in ancient times to clean and make your teeth shine. Already known in the Arab world, to Egyptians and Babylonians, the root of araak as well as polishing teeth in a natural way, is useful for tartar fights and plaque because it contains high amounts of minerals and effective substances. It is fluorine and silicon, vitamin C, sulfur, salvadorina, trimethylamine, as well as minerals such as potassium, sodium chloridro, sodium bicarbonate and calcium oxides. These are all excellent bleaching and enamel reinforcers. Research shows that the plant has a fair number of beneficial medical properties including antiseptic, cleansing and astringent properties . This plant would in fact seem able to activate a saliva enzyme called ptyalin which sanitizes the mouth and helps to remove the yellow of the teeth.

Sage also as a decoction against halitosis

The sage leaves rubbed on the teeth immediately give a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. It is an ancient remedy, used by our grandmothers, but still effective: the active ingredients of sage help eliminate the patina from tooth enamel. The decoction of sage is also effective : some sage leaves are boiled in water for about ten minutes, left to cool and then rinsed. In addition to the cleaning and bleaching effect, an antibacterial effect is also obtained, with benefits also for those suffering from halitosis.

Discover also the properties of the sage mother tincture

Strawberry pulp, apples and banana peel

A fruit remedy for white teeth is represented by strawberries, apples and bananas . Just mix the well crushed ripe strawberry pulp with baking soda and a teaspoon of olive oil and brush the teeth with the mixture obtained. Proceed by making delicate and rotary movements on the teeth to avoid damaging the enamel. With the banana it is enough to rub the inner surface of the peel on the surface of the teeth. The apple, which contains malic acid in slight concentration, is an acid which, taken pure, spoils the teeth, but which in this case, or as it is naturally contained in the fruit, has a slight lightening power: eating an apple a day with the skin benefits the tooth enamel.

Tip: against tartar and to soothe inflamed gums an excellent habit is to add a teaspoon of apple vinegar to a glass of water and rinse once or twice a week, if it will immediately benefit!

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