Biodynamic cultivation

Biodynamic cultivation: its origins

Biodynamic cultivation is a type of cultivation that is part of an agricultural system developed in 1924 by Rudolf Steiner, father of the Anthroposophical conception, the father of the anthroposophical conception of the universe.

A group of farmers, then worried about the progress of the first obvious signs of degeneration and weakness of the earth, caused by the application of modern cultivation methods such as the use of chemical fertilizer, had contacted the scholar, asking him for suggestions.

Rudolf Steiner responded to this request for help with a series of lessons.

Summarizing the theory of his lessons on biodynamic cultivation, a fundamental point was the composition of a natural fertilizer, which replaced the chemical one, able to nourish the plant from its roots in a harmonious and healthy way: this concept is the basis of the first important message and practical that biodynamic cultivation wants to give to farmers.

Biodynamic cultivation: what else is there to know?

However, biodynamic cultivation is not only a way of doing natural compositing, but a real philosophy to be applied to plants that care for us and offer us nourishment. When an apple tree is cultivated in a biodynamic way, for example, different processes must essentially be observed.

As in man, even in plants transformations take place that underlie the laws of the universe: the leaves of the apple tree capture the cosmic energy coming from the heat of the celestial bodies and the roots take mineral salts and water from the earth.

The basic principles of biodynamic cultivation can be summarized as follows:

  • Make sure that the vegetable garden or in any case the land on which it is cultivated is kept naturally fertile;
  • Ensure that plants can remain healthy, so as to resist disease and pests;
  • Bring less products, but of higher quality.

Biodynamic cultivation applies coltural techniques such as soil tillage, sowing, fertilization, which take into account the cosmic forces of moon, stars, planets and terrestrial ones, made up of mineral elements, air, water.

The aim is to render the terrain receptive to the combination of forces in place (dynamic action) and to do this using specific biodynamic preparations and following a specific calendar in harmony with the astronomical cycles.

Biodynamic cultivation: why is it important?

Biodynamic cultivation in Italy is unfortunately still not widely practiced, especially in Italy, where biological cultivation is already entering with difficulty. But in all the countries of Europe, but not only there is a small number of farmers who feel the responsibility of leaving a fertile and healthy land as a legacy to future generations and understand the importance of producing healthy food for the health of the 'man.

The biodynamic vegetable garden is a responsible and conscious choice, in the face of the productive massification that is still looming.

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