Benefits of the pro-zone diet

Zone diet and its benefits

The Zone diet was devised by the US biochemical researcher Dr. Barry Sears; a dietary style and a lifestyle that I believe guarantees greater physical and mental performance.

What is the goal of this nutritional program? Reach and maintain a hormonal balance, including insulin; hormone secreted by the pancreas responsible for the accumulation of fat and glucagon, an insulin antagonist hormone called mobilization hormone; all this thanks to the appropriate association of macronutrients; carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Specifically, in the three main meals and snacks, according to the zone diet, 40% of calories must come directly from carbohydrates, 30% of calories must come from proteins and 30% of calories must come from from fat.

So the formula that is considered for the breakdown of macronutrients in the Zone nutritional program is the following: 40-30-30 (carbohydrates, proteins, fats). Specifically, therefore; 1miniblock of carbohydrates, 1 miniblock of proteins, 1 miniblock of fat = 1 block.

I believe that following the nutritional program in the area means eating properly and feeling fit, as I recommend to my clients that I follow in the gym and recommend doing. The Zone diet has very specific rules, but like every diet must be respected and taken into consideration.

Below is a list of some:

  • Every day you have to do five meals, including three main meals and two snacks; mid-morning and mid-afternoon, the purpose of having a constant blood sugar during the day and not feeling the urge to go hungry.
  • No more than five hours should pass between meals. Do not stay more than five hours without eating, otherwise you have a low blood sugar peak (hypoglycemia), which risks making us hungry for the next meal by eating more than is necessary.
  • Each meal and snack must provide 40% of calories in the form of carbohydrates, 30% in the form of protein and 30% in the form of fat.

It would also be appropriate and I believe it is necessary to assume with some regularity also the omega 3, essential fatty acids.

These fats promote the production of good eicosanoids in the body; I explain to the readers of Cure that they are very important hormones that act on various organs and apparatuses of our body.

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids because they are essential for our body; as they cannot be produced, so they must be consumed through food. The integration of omega-3, according to Barry Sears determines, in the context of a balanced diet, a protective action on our body, contributing to having a series of benefits; I list some of them to the readers of the site: Improvement of cognitive functions, mood, concentration, at the level of dyslipidemias they lower the triglycerides in the blood, raise the good HDL cholesterol and lower the bad LDL cholesterol, at vascular level they reduce blood pressure and they hinder the formation of thrombi, at cardiac level they reduce the risk of coronary arteriopathy, at a systemic level we see that they strengthen the immune system. Image | Pixabay

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