Martial arts: which ones to choose?

Here is a list of important points to know to make the right choice in martial arts.

Age for practicing martial arts

It is never too early or too tarsi to start a martial discipline, however age has a primary importance in choosing the discipline.

Children under the age of five should avoid a series of exercises that can affect proper growth and that are normally taught after certain degrees of body development.

Moreover the playful component is fundamental and the child should train together with his peers; this phase of life can be used to develop coordination and proprioception.

Up to 40 years the body is rich in energy, especially around the age of twenty: this is the right age to push with the body, let off steam and put yourself to the test.

After the 40, considered not by chance the age limit to fight, we must begin to respect the needs of the body, to heal the joints, to maintain health and elasticity.

Why do you want to practice martial arts?

There may be several reasons for undertaking a martial art: keeping fit, forming a solid body and growing in a healthy way, learning to defend yourself, love for martial arts, staying in a group, fighting, etc.

All martial arts help you stay fit and maintain health and many of them are ideal for the formation of harmonious and strong bodies.


How much time and energy are you willing to invest in the practice of a martial art? When away from home do you want to travel to take a course?

Some martial arts require a lot of dedication to be learned, especially in terms of physical and technical preparation. To get excellent results some martial arts must be practiced even daily.

Other less famous martial arts have schools only in a few cities, and this requires continuous travel and a minimum investment in terms of travel time and expenses.

Martial art today between tradition and sport

The Maestro and the gym

The Master is fundamental in the evaluation of a martial art. In addition to exhibiting all the various diplomas, a Master should demonstrate his art through his students, evaluating not only his skill but also his character and discipline.

Carefully evaluate the conditions of the gym and its instruments and make sure that the money you give for accident insurance is actually used. With equal skill and professionalism, each master has his own character and his own teaching style: choose the one that puts you most at ease and in the condition to give 100%.

Don't be afraid to ask questions, evaluate feedback and try out many disciplines and masters before choosing. Remember to take at least one trial lesson, especially before you subscribe for one or more months.

When it comes to children, listen carefully to their desires and avoid simply sending them to the nearest school for convenience or because their friends are there: if the child loves the fight, don't send him to Karate ... if he is attracted to Capoeira don't send it to Judo.

Martial arts list

  • Martial arts suitable for children: all except those too focused on self-defense. They demonstrate excellent results in disciplines such as the various styles of Kung Fu and Capoeira.
  • Martial arts suitable for people no longer young: all those that do not include an athletic exasperation, sparring and working for the maintenance of health, such as Tai Chi, Aikido and many soft martial arts.
  • Martial arts to feel fit : those where there is a substantial athletic work ... Boxing, Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, MMA, Capoeira.
  • Martial arts for the development of a solid body: if practically all are practiced, remembering that combat sports practiced at a competitive level for too long tend to induce "defects" in the body.
  • Martial arts to learn to defend yourself: all self-defense systems such as Wing Chun, Krav Maga and Jeet Kune Do and many classic martial arts that have proven effective in mixed martial arts tournaments like Judo, Karate, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
  • Martial arts to be able to fight: all combat sports: Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, MMA.

What are martial arts and how do they differ?

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