Manage anger with yoga

Like a firework , anger erupts and ignites us, sometimes devastatingly.

In reality, it is not necessarily a negative feeling, if channeled correctly, because it represents a powerful detonator that helps us to subvert the state of things, especially if the reality around us appears unfair, demeaning.

Our anger, however, must not act as a blind cleaver that falls on the unfortunate on duty (be it human or symbolic), but it should be tamed severely : how many times, under his furious impulse, we have said or done things of which we then bitterly repented?

Because of this, let's see how yoga can help us.

Yoga and anger: some connection

Certainly, embarking on a path of personal evolution that leads to understanding and transcending rabid states is only desirable: it requires, however, a profound personal commitment that is certainly not limited to reading this article.

So we prefer to concentrate on some useful suggestions about the role of yoga in approaching anger, a powerful and difficult to control feeling.

Yoga as an exercise to release anger

Yoga practice, in itself, leads to a state of general loosening of any overwhelming feeling. The work on the breath, the psychophysical relaxation, the calm immobility of the asanas are just some of the factors that contribute to defuse the fuse and to calm the waters.

We invite you to an experiment: try practicing yoga at a time when you are strongly angry and then return to observe that feeling after your lesson time.

The asanas that help manage anger

Certainly, some asanas are more specifically indicated if you feel overwhelmed by this complex feeling. For example, the forward bends that induce a sense of deep relaxation .

Symbolically, the twists are very effective, splendid sinuous postures that invite you to observe reality from all points of view by embracing every nuance.

A multi- faceted approach will soften the most primitive emotions and induce us to accept this or that situation in all its complexity, perhaps accepting aspects that we have overlooked at first sight.

Breathing to help

A small, simple breathing exercise that we advise you to perform when you feel the anger mounting inside you is as follows: focus on your breathing and focus especially on exhalation to make it as long and slow as possible.

Repeat for some respiratory cycle and then observe your inner state again.

Daily practice

Beyond easy "first aid" techniques, we invite you to do your daily practices like yoga or meditation if you tend to incur bursts of anger.

It would be a commitment you take with yourself to try to evolve and mature on an aspect of your character not only by dabbing a situation, but by tending to change the instinctive management of this feeling: the aim is to soften blind anger and purify it from its negative excesses, maintaining only the legitimate, healthy and rightly combating of life.

Emotions: how yoga can help manage them

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