Lazy intestine? 5 herbs to help

If the intestine is lazy, nature provides some simple remedies to promote intestinal peristalsis,

    > Aloe vera

    > the Seine

    > the Rhubarb

    > the Psyllium

    > the Frangula

    P as Spring, P as purification

    Spring has arrived and nature is awakening . In the seasonal cycle also our body adapts to new rhythms: the metabolism changes, the excretory organs are called into question to purify us from the waste and toxins, temperature excursions create imbalances, physical disturbances, mood swings, restlessness; allergies come for some.

    In all this tourbillon of changes that spring brings with it, often the intestine to compensate for the hyper activity of our endogenous mechanisms seems to insert the handbrake, slow down and soften a little.

    For traditional Chinese medicine this is the Wood season, the gall bladder and liver are energetically called upon to work to purify the organism, toxin out and in the control cycle is the Metal element that plays its role: intestine large intestine and lungs are viscera and organ of reference, which can in certain conditions slow down the free flow of energies with episodes of constipation or obnoxious spring colds.

    Discover all the natural ailments and remedies for the intestine

    Aloe Vera

    A lot can be said about Aloe vera . Its properties are almost miraculous and it is a remedy that can become a loyal life partner, since it is indicated for many unbalanced conditions that affect our gastrointestinal system, with results that are also reflected on our skin, making it more toned, clean and bright.

    Thanks to its polysaccharides that quickly bind the catabolites (toxins) produced by various metabolic processes, it carries out a purifying activity and the aloin, contained in the latex of the rind, associates its laxative action, stimulating the peristaltic movement and thus awakening the lazy intestine .

    The intestinal flora is normalized and hydrated. Aloe vera also stabilizes the ph of both stomach and large intestine, greatly reducing irritation of the mucous membranes.

    In the market you will find good quality products to be stored in the refrigerator in the form of a gel to drink in the morning to start the day well .

    Aloe ferox and its slimming properties

    The Seine

    The Seine is a widespread remedy for problems with constipation. It is a shrub with an erect stem, the Cassia Angustifolia, a native of East Africa but long cultivated also in India. It was introduced into phytotherapy by Arab doctors.

    It consists of mucilage, which moisturizes and softens the intestinal tract and from anthraquinones (laxative action principles) that activate motility. It can be taken in the form of an infusion in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bedtime: it exerts its action after about 8-9 hours.

    It is a remedy to be used only in the acute phases in which the intestine gets impoverished, it is good not to abuse it in order not to sensitize the colon. The Senna presents some contraindications for those suffering from pathologies of the apparatus such as gastritis, colitis, diverticulitis.


    Rhubarb is native to northern China, but is also cultivated in Europe. It is a double action perennial herbaceous plant based on the dosage. In fact, if taken in small quantities it favors digestion, since it is a bitter and stimulates the secretion of gastric juices.

    At higher doses it favors intestinal transit thanks to the presence of substances, as in the Senna, called anthraquinone glycosides, but it is tolerated much better because it also contains tannins, with an astringent property, which modulate the laxative action of the plant and allow a more prolonged use without unwanted side effects.

    It is possible to take it as a decoction, before the two main meals or in the evening before going to bed. It can be associated with other laxative herbs in a pleasant herbal tea against intestinal laziness.

    Difficult digestion? Discover all the remedies


    The drug consists of the seeds of Plantago psillium, an annual herbaceous plant with a stem up to 30-40 cm tall, cultivated in Iran, India and Pakistan. In Italy it grows in the Mediterranean area, in grassy places.

    Psyllium is rich in mucilage with an emollient effect and its seeds, due to this component in contact with water, expand and increase in volume, creating intestinal motility and softening the fecal mass.

    This remedy is very effective and can also be used as a preventive measure. In fact it has a prebiotic action, favors the acidophilic bacterial flora at the expense of putrefactive bacterial forms, and works to reinforce the immune defenses.

    It is also indicated for cases of colitis and diverticulitis, since it exerts a normalizing activity of the colon. They can be put to soak for an hour about one or two tablespoons of seeds in a glass of water and taken half an hour before dinner.

    The Frangula

    The drug consists of the bark of the branches and trunk of the Rhamnus frangula, a shrub or small deciduous tree, a few meters high, widespread especially in northern Italy.

    The bark is dried for about a year before being used. Also the frangula contains anthraquinones, which awaken the lazy intestine facilitating peristalsis, but as with all laxative herbs it is good not to abuse them too much, as it could cause irritating disorders to the intestinal mucosa and abdominal pain.

    Better to avoid taking it in cases of colitis, gastritis, diverticulitis. The frangula can be taken before going to bed in the form of a decoction, boiled in water and left to macerate for a few hours.

    Other tips to give bowel wellness

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