Practical tests for health within everyone's reach

By Meetab

My Lab Experiment is born, the first Facebook group in Italy with the aim of trying, through scientific experiments, how the conditions of the body can vary with lifestyle changes such as nutrition, exercise, sleep and integration.

Experiments will be performed alongside doctors, health professionals, nutritionist biologists, who will provide information and explanations of the data that will be discussed and more generally of the functioning of our body. All done in a clear and simple way to understand and apply. Topics such as blood sugar, oxidation and aging, bacterial flora, inflammatory states, stress reaction and much more will be covered. Everything will be shown through videos and posts posted daily. Moreover, Universities and Clinics will be involved, which will give scientific support to all the tests that My Lab will show through its "laboratory".

The project will last several months, takes place entirely within the Facebook group where professionals and do not submit to tests of various kinds such as for example the tests on blood glucose that began just in these days. Ing. Loris Zoppelletto, one of the founders of the group and Meetab who conceived the My Lab Experiment project, is personally experiencing the effects of eating a lot, of fasting, of preferring certain types of food rather than others, always monitoring through the glucometers installed under the skin the evolution of blood sugar and sharing in the group its experience through video and post.

The organizers invite anyone interested to join the group and participate through questions, doubts, requests, comments, with the aim of spreading a healthier and more natural health culture.

You can also participate directly by experiencing first-hand the My Lab Experiment tests, for example by measuring your blood sugar in some phases of the day, after meals, the type of food you eat, certain physical activities, etc. All you have to do is ask the organizers of the group who will be happy to let you participate.

Sign up now for MY Lab Experiment - Curious Mind in a Healthy Body

Watch the video on My Lab Esperiment

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