Heal from within

You are distracted by washing dishes and cutlery. By handling the knife under the water jet, you accidentally cut yourself. After you have given yourself the idiot, you will complain a little. A few drops of disinfectant, a patch or stitch if the blade has gone to the bottom and away. A scar will remain, but you will survive. And maybe, the next time it's your turn to do the dishes, you'll stay focused on the hic et nunc .

And if instead. And if you could talk to them from inside, communicate with the cells and teach them a way to react to any kind of cut.

Transpose this image on a more strictly emotional side: for example, a strong pain you have been living with for a long time. A pain that does not abandon you and that remains heavy to crush the days or to remove light from the future. A pain with which, in practice, you cannot do that action that is precious and sacred like few others: transform.

Perhaps it is a pain that lives in you but that you are not aware of or that you talk about too much or that you do not know at all to externalize; however, something with which you feel like you are forced to live.

If you knew someone who could lead you into that area full of tears and broken breaths, if there was someone to connect you, through words, to a dimension in which you yourself could study your pain with a new look, or, for say it with Nietzsche, "looking at the abyss with dry eyes".

Joalie Davie does this by trade. Graduated in Medicine from the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Davie studied at the Harvard School and Harvard University, received her doctorate (MD) from the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, founded and presides over the Health company. From Within in New Mexico.

A doctor of western medicine who works with energy? Interesting, a land to be explored absolutely.

Davie combines different methods, Cerebral Reprogramming, EFT, Focusing, Time-Line Therapy, hypnosis according to the Erickson method and adopts instruments of psychosomatic and postural medicine, together with meridian-based therapies, such as Tapas Acupressure Techinque .

"The body has an innate and enormous wisdom, " he tells me. "With the children" he explains "the process is the same but their brains are very malleable, usually devoid of negative beliefs, and therefore with them it is easier. It also happens with some adults."

When I ask her if she is really convinced that anyone who possesses the power of self-healing, Joalie Davie responds with a firm and firm assent, completing: "Everyone has it, all who are alive." The point is to bring out the innate self-healing process of the body and bring it to the surface. The closer you get to this process, the more you connect with the invaluable source of information that is the body.

Davie explains to me better: "Take the word " disease ". Conventional medicine treats the symptoms of a long series of disorders. But if we break down the word " dis- " is a suffix that means deprivation. it is a lack of "ease", lightness, balance, care will be aimed at finding a balance within the body-mind system . "

Davie also operates through telephone consultations . In fact, eye contact is useless, much of the work takes place with eyes closed and focuses on breathing, on questions. And the question is both an art, a talent that the doctor has developed through experience, and an innate gift, daughter of art and science together. The questions, during the session that I experienced, work, explore inside the body. When the response comes to the surface, the consequent liberation is something that concerns the holistic unity of the person and has the same power as some shamanic rites or very ancient forms of healing processes. The pain, before the question, was swollen and dense, the next moment it leaves space for something light and bright. But everyone's experience is different because Davie's work takes on different forms.

Before establishing Health form within, Davie worked for a long time in the hospital. "For me, the patient is at the center. I loved working in emergency situations in the emergency room, but completing my training with methods that are closer to prevention and deep transformation, my work has taken a different direction."

And if the patient is at the center, central becomes the priority of healing through a process that, coming from within, will be a metamorphosis with long-term lasting effects.

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