Natural health for dogs and cats

Curated by Maria Rita Insolera, Naturopath

More and more frequently many dog and cat owners are turning to veterinary naturopathy for the welfare of their four-legged friends. The use of natural therapies allows animals to be treated not only physically, but also psychic, emotional and energy . In this special you have a selection of cards that highlight all the natural treatments from which dogs and cats can derive health and well-being.





Veterinary naturopathy

Veterinary naturopathy is a holistic medicine, where the word holism means totality, that is to say that it takes into consideration the individual, person or animal, in its entirety, as a result of a balance between mind, body and environment.

The ultimate goal is the removal of those emotional energy blocks that prevent people or animals from returning to a normal state of well-being and a natural psychophysical balance.

The holistic veterinary naturopathy, like the human one, uses different disciplines that are often interconnected and synergistic: some derive from tradition, others instead have their roots in natural therapies, others still use energy vibrations.

Veterinary flower therapy

It is now an established fact that our animals have a psychic and emotional sphere that vibrates in assonance with the environment that surrounds them and with those around them.

Dog or cat are not passive presences of our existence, but individuals that interact with us in a continuous exchange of emotions and sensations that pervade the mind and influence the physical.

This is one of the reasons why Bach flowers have great therapeutic potential in dogs and cats, since they penetrate directly into the emotional sphere without having to overcome rational barriers and refusals based on preconceived notions.

Veterinary flower therapy helps transform negativity into positivity and is a natural means of treating the animal emotional sphere, allowing for excellent results.

Discover also what veterinary homeopathy is

Veterinary phytotherapy

Phytotherapy is a discipline based on the use of seeds, berries, roots, bark, leaves and flowers for medicinal purposes. The veterinary phytotherapy does not use herbs in order to resolve the symptoms of a disease, but to support the body's defenses and remove the causes that gave rise to the problem.

The veterinary naturopath must therefore know which plants to use depending on the situation and the imbalances that generated the disease, making the most of their healing potential.

In this discipline the figure of the therapist is fundamental not only for the optimal choice of healing plants, but also for the prescription of dosages, since the same herb administered in the wrong doses can cause serious damage to the organism and many plants are they are toxic if not lethal to dogs and cats.

Feeding for dogs and cats

Relying on veterinary naturopathy does not only mean using the remedies, but also guaranteeing proper feeding to your animals, in the knowledge that this is the essential condition to keep them in a good state of health.

For this reason it is very important to talk about a healthy and natural diet that takes care of the body of dogs and cats by keeping it in that indispensable homeostasis inspired by the principles of holistic medicine.

From a nutritional point of view, dogs and cats are different. The dog can virtually cover all its dietary needs by taking vegetable and animal foods, while the cat needs numerous nutrients available only in foods of animal origin, which is why it is classified as a forced carnivore.

Read also Fruit and vegetables for dogs and cats >>

To know more

Read the articles on natural wellness for dogs and cats >>

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