Meditation, techniques and benefits

Special on meditation, an evocative journey and a moment of union with oneself that favors psychophysical well-being. All about the different types of meditation.

  • Aurobindian meditation
  • Buddhist meditation
  • Christian meditation
  • Kundalini meditation
  • Meditation Mandala
  • Merkaba meditation
  • Online meditation
  • Osho meditation
  • Meditation for children
  • Samatha meditation
  • Tantric meditation
  • Taoist meditation
  • Tibetan meditation
  • Transcendental meditation
  • Vipassana meditation
  • Patanjali's Yogasutri meditation
  • Zen meditation
  • Mindfulness


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E-commerce bio, a list

E-commerce bio, a list

E-commerce that is increasingly popular From cosmetics to food, here are some of the main organic commerce sites that operate on the web. To make purchases more and more targeted , aware and safe. Moreover, the habits of Italian consumers seem to go exactly in this direction, as recorded by Istat for 2017: "traditional" sales fall by 0...

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Wash the dishes without detergent

Wash the dishes without detergent

Are you looking for ecological and economical alternatives for washing dishes ? In this article we will see if it is possible to wash the dishes without detergent or decrease the amount of detergent used, what the detergents for dishes contain and possibly how to replace them with alternatives that respect the environment and the wallet...