Nutrition in pregnancy: guidelines

Nutrition in pregnancy must be healthy and balanced, attentive not only to nutrient intake but also to caloric intake. Let's find out more about the advice and guidelines.

The pregnancy

The term pregnancy comes from the Latin gravidus, which means heavy. The pregnant woman carries a load with her; that fetus who will become a child. The gestational period lasts 40 weeks on average and is divided by convention into various periods.

  • Fertilization and germinal period : it begins with fertilization and ends two weeks later.
  • Embryo period : from the second to the eighth week of gestation.
  • Fetal period : starts with the eighth week and ends up until the end of pregnancy. In this period all the organs and apparatuses arrive at their maturation to allow, at the moment of birth, the physiological autonomy of the organism.

For maternal and fetal health it is very important that, throughout the pregnancy, the pregnant woman maintain a healthy lifestyle. Starting with food

Nutrition during pregnancy

Nutrition in pregnancy must be healthy and balanced, both from a nutritional point of view and in terms of caloric intake. In fact, in pregnancy, it is not necessary to eat for two, but twice better, in order to keep one's weight under control and at the same time guarantee the nourishment necessary to the fetus. Nutrition during pregnancy must therefore be particularly careful. It is important to follow a varied diet, without forgetting some simple but important precautions.

  • Avoid excessively large meals that could cause digestion problems. If the appetite is so much, it is preferable to make two or three light snacks, distributed well between meals.
  • Wash fruit and vegetables and follow all the hygiene rules necessary to prevent toxoplasmosis, which is very dangerous in pregnancy. For example, proper nutrition during pregnancy requires avoiding raw meats and sausages and using baking soda whenever you wash fruits and vegetables.
  • Prefer seasonal fruit and vegetables ; protein-rich foods; yoghurt and fresh cheeses checked.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners and sugary drinks with added carbon dioxide.
  • Limit tea and coffee consumption .
  • Avoid fries and too elaborate condiments .
  • In case of excessive weight gain, limit the consumption of carbohydrates and prefer, as a first course, legume or vegetable soups.

In pregnancy it is important not to drink alcohol and obviously not to smoke .


Weight control in pregnancy is very important, more for health than beauty. In fact, correct nutrition during pregnancy also involves not exceeding an excessive or too low weight gain.

At the end of pregnancy, weight gain should be between about 9 and 12 kilos . In the first three months the increase should be minimal or zero, for example a kilo in the first quarter; in the second quarter about a kilo a month, while in the last quarter it can happen to take a little more than a kilo a month.

Many gynecologists advise keeping a weight diary, in which to note, about once a week, your weight. The ideal is to weigh yourself in the morning, undressed and fast.

In the event of an excessively rapid weight gain, for example over a kilo in ten days, it is important to tell your doctor, especially if it is associated with swelling of the hands and feet. It is important to communicate to your doctor also a possible weight loss, especially if significant.

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