Dukan diet: how it works, benefits, contraindications

The Dukan diet is a protein diet divided into 4 phases which involves the elimination of meat, cold cuts, fish and dairy products. Let's find out better.

What is the Dukan diet

The Dukan diet is a 4-step protein program .

  • The first phase, the attack, has a variable duration, based on the overweight of departure: for those who must lose less than 5 kilos, it lasts a day and makes you lose a kilo. For those who have to lose weight from 5 to 10 kilos it lasts 3 days but it is good that you consult your doctor first, to check that your health is compatible with the diet. Only protein foods are allowed during the attack. There are no quantity limits. Only spices, aromas, mustard, lemon juice, salt, balsamic vinegar should be used for seasoning.
  • The second phase, called cruising, lasts until reaching the right weight. It may therefore take several days, depending on the pounds to be lost and the individual's ability to dispose of fat. At this stage, on average, you lose from a kilo to a kilo and a half a week (from 4 to 6 in a month). The foods allowed are all those of the first period (attack) to which are added, on alternate days, some types of vegetables.
  • The third phase of consolidation covers a variable time as it lasts 10 days for every kilo lost. If, for example, a person has lost 24 pounds, the phase lasts 40 days. During this time, 2 slices of wholemeal bread can be added to the foods of the cruise phase (protein and vegetables), to be consumed once a day. Fruit can be introduced but in limited quantities. An additional portion of carbohydrates is allowed twice a week.
  • The fourth phase is of stabilization and consolidation.

The main foods

Among the foods covered by the diet:

  • Meats: roast, escalopes, veal and beef tenderloin, beef sirloin, roast beef, rabbit, horse;
  • Poultry: chicken (without skin), turkey, pheasant, guinea fowl;
  • Dairy products : low-fat cheeses (less than 5% fat), skimmed milk and low-fat yogurt (0% fat);
  • Slices: bresaola, turkey breast, chicken breast ;
  • Fish: snapper, sea bream, sole, cod, sardines, tuna, swordfish, salmon, smoked salmon, sea bass, turbot, red mullet, anchovies, seafood, surimi;
  • Eggs: eggs of hen or quail;
  • Vegetable proteins: tofu, seitan, soy milk (2 glasses a day), soy yogurt (2 jars a day).

Foods prohibited by the food regime devised by Dukan:

  • Meat: beef rib, beef entrecòte, all cuts of lamb and pork, goose, duck;
  • Cold cuts: ham, coppa, speck, pancetta, salami, mortadella;
  • Fish: sardines, anchovies and tuna in oil;
  • Dairy products: aged, creamy cheeses, mozzarella, whole yogurt milk.

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Benefits and contraindications of the Dukan diet

The excess of proteins can give problems of constipation, also due to the drastic passage to the diet. The criticism is that the program is too unbalanced and therefore can create deficiencies and, due to the massive presence of proteins, strain the excretory organs, in particular the kidneys .

In addition, if the person has to lose many pounds, it should be prolonged for a long time (with the increase in risks).

Dukan diet: ideal if

You want to see results in the short term and love animal proteins.

Dukan diet: contraindicated if

You suffer from kidney problems ; you want to avoid the acidification process of the blood.

Faithful and famous in the Dukan diet

It seems that the Dukan diet was chosen by famous people like Kate Middleton, Gisele Bündchen or Jennifer Lopez.

Dukan diet: fashion, success or mass delirium?

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