Otitis, homeopathic natural remedies

By the prof


Description and causes of otitis

From the medical point of view, otitis can be:

  • medium, which develops in the auricular cavity bounded internally by the membrane of the eardrum;
  • external, which develops in the ear canal that connects the auricle with the middle portion of the ear:
  • internal (or labyrinthitis) involving the portion of the ear labyrinth.

The most common symptom in acute middle otitis is pain which, in certain circumstances, can be very acute and accompanied by a sensation of a plugged ear with the sensation of perceiving the most muffled, muffled sounds.

Otitis media is very often accompanied by high fever . The subject, often a child, can appear understandably irritable and agitated, showing sudden cries, disturbed sleep quality, decreased appetite.

On the other hand, in so-called "serosa" medium ear infections, characterized by the production of pus, the sensation of pain is a rare event; most common in this case are the reduction or temporary hearing loss and purulent and / or foul-smelling secretions.

In otitis externa, on the other hand, the pain can be intense and sharpened to the touch. The auditory canal in fact swells and reddened due to inflammation causing the sensation of a "full" ear. The lymph nodes near the ear can swell and be sensitive to the tattoo, sometimes painful.

Occasionally liquid or semi-liquid secretions of transparent or slightly opaque color may occur. External ear infections are rarely accompanied by fever.

In internal otitis or labyrinthitis, the main symptom is the alteration of the balance resulting in vertigo and accompanied by a reduction in the hearing ability and the perception of sounds and whistles known as "tinnitus". Labyrinthitis is a profound and debilitating inflammatory condition for the subject who, in addition to the aforementioned disorders, may experience nausea and vomiting, feeling lightheadedness, increased sweating, anxiety and, in the most serious cases, depression.

How to interpret otitis symptoms

In psychosomatics, otitis represents a conflict linked to the theme of listening, the need not to hear, conflict and confusion.

The person who suffers in a recurring manner is deeply and unconsciously annoyed because he is forced to listen to things that disturb her.

He is an individual exposed to opinions, criticisms, complaints and reproaches that due to his own character and / or emotional limitation he is unable to detach himself and avoid this limiting situation.

In fact, many otitis in adulthood have a strong stress on the workplace : often in the workplace the subject does not tolerate more tones and words with which others turn (often on the part of the bosses but even more often on the part of the colleagues) .

When the symptom of otitis appears, the middle part of the ear is filled with mucus and pus, a sign of an excess of energy that stagnates instead of turning into a fluid and useful message for the brain. If neglected, otitis leads to the perforation of the eardrum which, in addition to the physiological lesion of the auditory membranes, symbolically expresses the attempt to avoid dialogue, the communicative and verbal exchange.

Acute otitis media is common in children, sometimes in so-called "pure" form, sometimes in association with respiratory diseases such as tonsillitis and pharyngitis. In this case the psychosomatic meaning is linked to the theme of obedience . In fact, children who suffer from it are often over-solicited by continuous and pressing interventions and educational requests from parents and / or teachers.

These are children often of a calm and tranquil disposition who feel unconsciously oppressed by the frenetic patterns and mental rhythms of adults.

Otitis media in children: prevention and treatment

Homeopathic remedies for otitis

  • Aconitum napellus 30CH : initial phase with sudden and violent onset. This type of otitis arises following exposure to air or cold wind. To be effective it must be taken within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms. Aconitum-type otitis manifests itself with the appearance of high fever, sharp, burning pain, and a "pin" sensation inside the ear. The symptoms get worse at night and often when the individual is in a warm environment. The inflamed ear appears very red on the outside.
  • Apis mellifica 30CH : the ear appears strongly red and the subject complains of a "cork" sensation (due to the swelling of the ear canal membranes), strong burning and stinging pain. Fever episodes can occur with temperatures above 38C characterized by absence of thirst and perspiration. Pain gets worse with heat and improves with cold applications.
  • Arsenicum album 30CH : in ear-like Arsenicum the ear does not appear very red but there are transparent or albumisose secretions. The pain is burning relieved only by heat and hot applications (strange and peculiar symptom of the remedy), worse with cold and cold applications.
  • Belladonna 30CH : this type of otitis occurs more often on the right. The onset is sudden and usually following a cold or a pharyngitis. The pain is throbbing and the ear canal (not necessarily the outer part of the ear) appears red. The symptoms are accompanied by febrile states with high temperatures.
  • Chamomilla 30CH : Chamomilla is the most common remedy used in the treatment of childhood otitis. The subject appears pale with a red cheek and a pale one. The red cheek is hot and on the injured side. The symptoms are accompanied by high fever. The child appears restless and capricious (he wants to be held in his arms but as soon as he is satisfied he wants to be put back in the cot, he asks for everything but at the same time refuses everything). The pain is so acute that the child does not find peace. Symptoms worsen at night due to heat, applications and hot drinks.
  • Mercurius 30CH : the pain is sharp and stabbing, like a blade that pierces the painful part. A characteristic symptom of this remedy is the presence of yellow-green secretions accompanied by intermittent fevers, chills and intense salivation (often with the involuntary discharge of saliva or drool from the mouth). The symptoms worsen during the night: the subject is cold but sweats cold in the bed.
  • Pulsatilla 30CH : the pain is pounding. Yellowish dense secretions are present. There may be fever. The subject appears unusually whiny and in need of cuddling. Improves with fresh and movement.

The contents of the following cards should not be used as a substitute for any medical therapy, but only as a support. If the disorder persists, consult a professional homeopath. Self-medication is advisable only in mild acute cases.

Dosages and recommended dosages should not be abused. Stop taking the homeopathic medicine at the first sign of improvement

Recommended dosage: 30 CH in granules, 1 sublingual granule every 10 minutes for a one-hour cycle. If necessary 1 granule 3 times a day in the 2-3 days following the first intake.

Otitis, natural remedies and prevention tips

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