Amenorrhea: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Amenorrhea is the lack of menstrual flow in a woman of childbearing age. The disappearance of menstruation is always a symptom that must be investigated in depth. Let's find out better.

All phases of the menstrual cycle

Types of amenorrhea and causes

Primary amenorrhea - that is, the lack of menstruation despite having passed puberty - may be due to malformations of the uterus and ovaries or dysfunctions of the endocrine organs (including the pituitary gland, whose hormones have the task of stimulating hormone production ovarian), or all diseases of a certain importance, capable of causing an alteration of the general conditions.

We speak of secondary amenorrhea when the block appears after a variable period of more or less regular flows, and lasts over six months. Natural medicine generally brings the amenorrhea back to a global deficit of life force that affects the delicate mechanism of ovulation.

The state of energy can be caused by serious dietary errors and intense or prolonged psycho-emotional stresses are typically at the origin of the substantial declines in vital energy. Gym obsession, emotional stress (abandonment, loss), diktat "lean at any cost" can have repercussions on menstrual flow, because they cause stress and affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal system.


Feeding in case of amenorrhea

Better to avoid refined and devitalized foods (sugar, white flour, polished rice, etc.), which, in the long run, demineralize, reduce tissue tone and vigor to the body.

It is useful to eliminate coffee, alcohol, smoke, industrial products and "junk foods" that release toxic substances into the body.

Favor foods rich in minerals such as sprouts, algae, spices, fruit and above all vegetables, especially the brightly colored one, which can be taken partly raw and partly scalded or stewed in very little water. It may be useful to take food supplements (vitamin B6, vitamin E, beta-carotene, brewer's yeast powder).

In the case of hormonal imbalances, it is advisable to treat the diet as a base, and then to understand with the doctor if it is the case to take progesterone.

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Ginseng is a useful plant to counteract tiredness and stimulate cenestesi; the plant is particularly suitable for young women involved in sports and the dosage and duration of treatment must be established by the attending physician. A medicinal plant very suitable as a remedy for amenorrhea is also hops ( Humulus Lupulus ), with sedative characteristics and high phytoestrogen content.

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Bach flowers

Very useful can be Star of Bethlehem, unlocks negative energy and gives emotional firmness.

Traditional Chinese medicine for amenorrhea

The distinction between primary and secondary amenorrhea is also used in traditional Chinese medicine, the causes concern the Xue deficiency, therefore the cure passes for the Xue qi tone . You act on:

PI SHU (point Shu of the back of the Spleen, at 1.5 cun to the side of the thorny apophysis of the XI thoracic vertebra), mobilizes the qi of the Spleen, dissolves Humidity;

ZU SAN LI (under the lower edge of the patella, to the side of the anterior tibial crest), tones Spleen and Stomach;

TAI CHONG (on the back of the foot, in the depression distal to the articulation between the I and II metatarsus), which tones the Liver and Biliary Vesicle, regulates and cools the Blood.

Essential oils

We recommend the use of essential oil of Roman Chamomile, with a calming action on the nervous system and useful in the irregularity of the menstrual cycle. Also the hyssop, astringent, antiseptic and sedative is useful for amenorrhea with fatigue and nervous tension.

Homeopathy in case of amenorrhea

Homeopathic treatments are used both in the case of primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea. The preparations used are:

Ferrum metallicum 15 CH (5 granules, 1 to 3 times a day), indicated to attenuate pallor, fatigue that accompany both types of amenorrhea;

Pulsatilla 15 CH (5 granules, initially every day, then 1 to 3 times a week), indicated in the puberal delay, for abdominal, pelvic and mammary tension before the appearance of the flow;

Natrum muriaticum CH (a single dose per week), suitable for young thin asthenic, with a tendency to isolation and depression.


Physical activity is important, because it regularizes the body and helps build defenses. However, excessive activity can alter the balance of women's menstrual flow. It is important never to affect the body's fat level too much, a factor that plays a very important role in the formation of estrogen. Often, then, an intense activity disciplines the mind, but forces an emotional stress that should not be overlooked. It will be useful then to remove one of the weekly sessions, to reduce the training load by at least 10%. A peaceful walk in company can replace an intense training session; this will benefit the mind and confrontation on a purely human level.

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