Phosphorus deficiency: symptoms, causes, nutrition

Phosphorus deficiency, due to hormonal causes or nutritional imbalance, weakens bones and teeth, causes nervous disorders and physical and mental fatigue. Let's find out how to cure it.

Fatigue among the symptoms of phosphorus deficiency

Symptoms of phosphorus deficiency

Phosphorus is a non-metal of the nitrogen group, its symbol is P, the atomic number is 15. It is an important chemical element, as it constitutes the tissues of the bones of the human body.

Teeth, bones, body weight, nervous and muscular system : phosphorus shares in the good functioning of these parts of the body.

In nutrition it is very important to maintain the right balance between phosphorus and calcium, which is necessary for the assimilation and use of the latter and so that symptoms such as osteoporosis do not occur, for example.

In addition to this, there are other symptoms of phosphorus deficiency: decrease or increase in body weight, nervous disorders, respiratory irregularity, physical and mental fatigue, loss of appetite, arthritis, rickets, bone fragility, tooth decay .

The causes of phosphorus deficiency

Usually the lack of phosphorus is rare, however the lack can occur, even if the intake of phosphorus with the diet is sufficient, due to hormonal causes or nutritional imbalance.

The assimilation of phosphorus depends on various factors, such as the quantity and quality of phosphorus consumed and the supply of calcium and vitamin D in the body.

The storage of phosphorus is also influenced by iron and magnesium, so it is also necessary to monitor the balance of these two minerals. pathologies related to the thyroid, therefore to hormones, such as hyperparathyroidism, can equally generate phosphorus deficiency.

Mental stress can be one of the primary causes of phosphorus deficiency : an upheaval in the body's chemistry can cause arthritic symptoms, such as joint or joint pain, weight loss, and nervous disorders. Alcohol abuse, severe burns, diabetes or nephropathy are not to be underestimated.

Phosphorus deficiency and nutrition

To make up for the phosphorus deficiency it is possible to use food.

Cereals should never be missing from the table, such as wheat germ and rice flour, which contain abundant quantities.

Legumes are equally rich: soya and soya flour in the first place, beans, chickpeas, lentils and broad beans. Dark chocolate, milk, meat, nuts (cashews, pistachios, almonds and walnuts) and egg yolks contain precious doses.

Among the seeds, the pumpkin ones are the richest. Although fruits and vegetables do not contain high amounts, a certain percentage of phosphorus is contained in asparagus, carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers. Raspberries, apricots, raisins, watermelon, currants, blackberries and blueberries among the fruit.

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