Facial reflexology and stress

What is stress?

Our body adapts to changes . Sometimes in a positive way, more frequently in a negative way. When the changes hurt us, a breach is opened to the possibility of damaging the balance that we should always hold in the chest, in the organs, in the lucid and peaceful mind. More and more frequently, we let what we commonly refer to as one of the most abused terms of our era come in: stress .

Because of stress, our body reacts by increasing the secretion of some hormones and inhibiting others; the production of messenger substances such as serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine is compromised. The symptoms of stress are known and obvious to most: frequent feeling of general fatigue, acceleration of the heartbeat, sleep disturbances, muscle pain, stomach ulcer, diarrhea, stomach cramps, colitis, thyroid malfunction, difficulty in expressing even concepts that you possess, a feeling of boredom with every situation, frequent need to urinate, change of voice, hyperactivity, mental confusion, irritability, lowering of the immune defenses. When stress becomes the normal condition, it is called chronic stress .

Facial reflexology and stress

Facial reflexology is a zonal massage technique applied to the subject's face. By massaging the reflex areas of the face, it is possible to treat disorders of organs and parts of the body. According to reflexology, in addition to the nervous and meridian systems, the human body is crossed by a reflexology path according to which each stimulus is followed by an organic response. Every part of the body reflects the whole body and for each organ there is a reflex point in a specific area of ​​the skin.

Facial reflexology is a simple technique that can reinforce natural defenses and awaken energy by stimulating points on the face. The simplest use is as a basic preventive technique, to be carried out independently as self-treatment . This makes it possible to act in a general rebalancing sense, thanks to an anti-stress reflexology massage . How is reflexology used for stress?

An example of anti-stress reflexology massage

More and more often, at the end of a long and exhausting day of work, the level of stress accumulated inside the body is high. To lower this level, it is advisable to awaken the blood microcirculation . Here is an example of a reflexology massage against stress:

Start by spreading an oil or a cream on the surface of the face to help the fingers slide. Do it with your fingertips, from top to bottom, up to the neck, avoiding the eye area. Make slight pressures, from the bottom to the other, from the center to the outside of the face. Relax the muscles of the face. Next, place the index fingers on the sides of the mouth. Perform a stakeout, continuing on the line that leads from the mouth to the ears.

Even more simply, with the forefinger of the hand, make a firm pressure on the point located between the two eyebrows. After about 5 minutes, you will experience a feeling of relief.

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