Kousmine diet: how it works, benefits, contraindications

The Kousmine diet is a diet designed by Cathérine Kousmine that gives great importance to the biological quality of food, prohibits denatured fats and limits animal fats. Let's find out better.

Whole grains, important food of the Kousmine diet

What is the Kousmine diet

The Kousmine diet takes its name from its creator, Cathérine Kousmine, a Swiss doctor who has long been involved in research into degenerative diseases.

Kousmine decided to devote herself to cancer research after two of her little patients died of cancer: "I don't want to destroy the disease, I want to understand it." he repeated.

Developing her work, which would later lead her to develop the Kousmine Method, the researcher focused on the food sector: she identified the cause of many diseases in the industrial treatment of food . He understood therefore that the cure was for the revision of eating habits in the sense of useful corrections to strengthen the immune system .

In the Kousmine diet, the focus is very much on the biological quality of the foods that are consumed. It is important that no chemical substances such as pesticides, hormones or chemical fertilizers have been used in the cultivation or breeding phase.

In this diet much importance is given to the intake of lipids (sunflower oil, flax oil or cold-pressed wheat germ); Denatured and limited fats, on the other hand, are prohibited. As a percentage, the daily distribution of food is: 33% cereals, 25% cooked vegetables, 25% raw vegetables, 16% proteins.

The main foods of the Kousmine diet

The daily mainstay is the integral cereals the best if in grains or coarsely ground: barley, oats, buckwheat, rice, at least a spoon to add to soups, smoothies or yogurt.

The fats allowed for seasoning are cold pressed oils to be used raw. Proteins should be consumed in moderation and in any case preferring fish or legumes. Yes to fruit, vegetables, cheeses, lean meat and fish .

Great importance is given to breakfast, which must be substantial, unlike the evening meal, which is necessarily light. In the Kousmine diet it is literally the king Budwig cream (translation: breakfast for kings) a preparation invented by Dr. Kousmine that can be prepared at home by combining raw seeds and oily fruits (choice: sunflower, sesame, walnut, almond, pumpkin) cereals wholemeal, white low-fat cheese (yogurt, lean ricotta, tofu), flaxseed oil, banana or honey to sweeten, lemon juice, seasonal fruit.

Discover the Budwing cream: the workhorse of the Kousmine diet

Benefits and contraindications of the Kousmine diet

Useful to prevent degenerative diseases . Helps reduce free radicals . It naturally regulates the acidity of the body . The real obstacle lies in safety with respect to the biological quality of food. It is not always easy to find foods that are 100% organic.

Ideal if

You must reduce the general state of inflammation of the organism and restore functions altered by multiple sclerosis, cancer, constipation, frequent diarrhea, poisoning, degenerative diseases.

Contraindicated if

There are no particular contraindications.

The recipes of the Kousmine diet

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