Foods rich in vitamin A, what they are

Foods rich in vitamin A, such as carrots, apricots and tomatoes, strengthen the immune system, protect the skin, eyesight, bones, hair and teeth. Let's find out better.

Properties of vitamin A

Vitamin A is a panacea for the body: it improves the overall health of the whole body, strengthens the immune system, countering the onset of infections, protects the skin against acne, eczema and psoriasis, bones, hair and teeth the.

Vitamin A is also responsible for the proper functioning of vision, which could become blurred in the case of vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A also brings significant benefits to men, as it increases sperm production, but also in women, as it counteracts the effects premenstrual syndrome.

All that remains is to point out how precious it is also to receive the rays of the sun correctly and to have a beautiful golden tan.

Main foods rich in vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that comes from two sources: retinoids and carotenoids . Retinoids are found in animal foods, such as liver (if considered a food source), eggs, dairy products; while carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, are found in abundance in vegetal foods, such as dark or yellow vegetables, carrots, squash, tomatoes.

Garlic is also rich, as are parsley, lettuce, watercress, dandelion, spinach and endive. Among the vegetables that have fair amounts of vitamin A we also find celery, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. Colored fruit has a lot of vitamin A: melon, peach, apricot, mango, papaya, cherries and watermelon . Royal jelly and pollen, wheat germ, spirulina, coral beans, cod liver oil and soya oil are also rich in vitamin A.

Vitamin A comes from carotenoids: what they are and where they are found

Dehydrated or dried apricots

Their strong antioxidant power is due precisely to the presence of vitamin A, which helps to stem the effects of free radicals. Rich in fiber, apricots are useful for losing weight and controlling hyperglycemia; those dehydrated can contain up to 1400mcg of vitamin A per 100 grams of product. The secret of longevity of the Hunza people seems to be precisely this food.


They contain about 1148 mcg per 100 grams. On average 200-300 grams of carrots provide a quantity of beta-carotene equal to about 5-10 times the recommended daily requirement (20-25 mg compared to an estimated requirement of 2-4 mg / day). In addition to A, carrots are rich in vitamin B and vitamin C. It should not be forgotten that they are also a veritable mine of minerals: iron, caclio, magnesium, copper, zinc. Even more nutritious when eaten raw, carrots can be a delicious side dish but can also be served with first courses, sauces and appetizers. Try the vegan alioli with carrots as an aperitif, see the recipe below.

Rocket salad

Being rich in vitamin A, the rocket is a great ally of the stomach, intestine, immune system, bones. It represents an incredible source of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium. It contains a lot of iron and, in addition to vitamin A, also vitamin C which in synergy help with absorption; among other vitamins, also E, J, group B, F and K, useful for strengthening liver functions. Vitamin ha has about 740mcg for 100grams.


The main substances of dandelion leaves are sesquiterpenes lactones, triterpenes, coumarin, carotenoids, vitamins (A, B, C and D) and minerals (especially potassium), all noble substances, but also the roots of this precious food are equally rich. Dandelion is recommended for acne, inflammation or infections, liver problems, hemorrhoids, hypertension and more. Good habit is to collect the freshest leaves as soon as they come out and use them together with herbs and spinach for a truly wonderful healthy mix. The dandelion contains almost 1000mcg of vitamin A per 100 grams of product.


Tomato is rich in minerals (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and others), water and vitamins (C, A, B). Proteins and fats are very few, so in addition to being a food friendly to skin, hair, teeth and nails, it is also a valuable supplement in low-calorie diets. A food that is excellent both eaten raw and cooked, thanks to beta-carotene, which gives it its characteristic color, proves to be a particularly useful food in the exchange and oxygenation of cells, besides being highly moisturizing. Of vitamin A, a ripe tomato, it contains 800mcg per 100 grams

Also find out the causes, symptoms and remedies for vitamin A deficiency

Daily requirement of vitamin A

The average recommended dose of vitamin A is about 400mg a day. This level is then linked to the real needs of each one, it can also be lowered to 200mg; Vitamin A must be administered with attention to children and elderly people .

Newborns must not exceed 350mg a day, children up to 6 years 400mg, which increase to 500mg from 11 to 14years, a dose generally recommended also for girls, girls and adult women. In adult males it can reach up to 700mg, as well as in pregnant women. In the nurses it touches 950mg a day.

Can you take too much vitamin A?

Rich vitamin A recipe

Alioli veg sauce with carrots

A simple, fast and fresh recipe to use carrots in an alternative way in the usual appetizer or dip is to substitute oil and salt with a light and tasty vegan mayonnaise with a slightly garlic flavor, like the Spanish alioli.

Just prepare the sauce by placing 100ml of soy milk in a bowl and turning on the mini pimer, gradually adding about 100/150 grams of corn or sunflower oil; when the sauce becomes firm, add salt, pepper and half a teaspoon of mustard.

Pour everything into a bowl, in which you will have added a crushed garlic breast that will be used to flavor, leave an hour in the fridge after which remove the garlic and soak an infinite number of fresh carrot sticks!

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