Sesame seeds, properties and how to use them

Sesame seeds (from the Sesamum indicu plant), known for their high content of minerals, proteins and carbohydrates, are useful for osteoporosis prevention and for cardiovascular diseases . Let's find out better.

Nutritive principles of sesame seeds

A large reserve of energy is hidden in the sesame seeds. The high protein content (18%), carbohydrates (20%) and fats (50%) give it a very high caloric value (just under 600 kcal per 100g) making them small natural wellness pills.

Among the minerals that characterize sesame seeds we find:

  • magnesium,
  • iron,
  • selenium,
  • potassium,
  • phosphorus,
  • and above all a record football content .

These oil seeds are also an excellent source of B vitamins.

Properties of sesame seeds

Thanks to the high calcium content, sesame seeds are effective in preventing osteoporosis and are a valid alternative for those who cannot take dairy products due to food intolerances to strengthen bones and teeth .

Sesame seeds are excellent natural zinc supplements that strengthen the immune system (a valid aid in case of mental fatigue and convalescence ) and selenium that slows down the action of free radicals. The fats that make up these oil seeds are mainly unsaturated ( omega 6 and omega 3 ), useful in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

You can also explore all the properties and uses of sesame seed oil

Use in the kitchen

These seeds are used to enrich the dough of bread and baked goods, salads and muesli for breakfast and in general very appreciated by the macrobiotic diet, but not only.

In the oriental culinary tradition, sesame is really appreciated: it is roasted and combined with sea salt to make gomasio, a powder used as a condiment. In Turkish cuisine with sesame seeds, tahina (or tahin) is obtained, a real sesame butter that is used for example to season hummus.

Ever heard of "giurgiulena"? Yes, Italian cuisine has long appreciated the taste of sesame, particularly in Sicily, where giurgiulena, a sesame-based dessert, is part of the local culinary tradition. Sesame bread is also found in every oven.

A curiosity: sesame seeds are perfect for preparing breadings for vegetables or fancy chicken with an exotic flavor: just replace them with breadcrumbs and you're done.

By Stefania Puma

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