
Why undergo hydrocolontherapy

It is excellent as a complementary technique to other therapies: by improving the elimination process, the response of nutritional, homeopathic, homotoxicological, phytotherapic, manipulative, bioenergetic, vibrational, etc. as well as the conventional ones is amplified.

Many chronic conditions can be alleviated by ICT: constipation, diarrhea, various degrees of intestinal dysbiosis, colitis, spastic colon, irritable bowel, diverticulosis, haemorrhoids, abdominal bloating, aerophagia, meteorism, halitosis, bad digestion, liver dysfunction, migraines, headaches, skin diseases (dermatitis, acne, eczema, psoriasis), dysmetabolic states, obesity, overweight, cellulite, cardiovascular disorders, rheumatism, asthma, allergies, impotence, chronic fatigue, drug abuse.

Psychological states such as depression, anxious neurosis, lethargy also benefit from it, as do phobias, panic attacks and psychotic disorders. It is also very important to combine ICT with the physical and mental care of eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, hyperphagia) and drug addiction (smoking, alcoholism, addictions to psychotropic and / or narcotic substances).

The detoxifying effects of ICT also benefit some complex clinical conditions such as Crohn's disease, RCUE (ulcer-hemorrhagic colitis), fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and parasitosis, first of all for the current spread among the population candidiasis.

Anyone who complains of altered elimination of toxins, food and non-toxins, hidden deep in the intestine, caused or aggravated by self-poisoning, a self-poisoning that overloads the other organs of elimination of the body: liver, can also benefit from ICT. kidneys, lungs, skin. It therefore appears to be an excellent tool for treating food intolerances. Furthermore, even people who eat healthily and defecate regularly have old and hardened accumulations of fecal matter and mucus that do not allow total elimination and therefore require periodic cleaning.

By decreasing toxicity and increasing elimination, most people immediately experience a strong feeling of lightness, well-being and increased mental clarity. The general state of health is greatly enhanced by the revitalization of the entire immune system. In the long term, the absorption of essential nutrients is improved and the risk of intestinal diseases decreases, so much so that ICT is the main defense in the prevention of colorectal cancer. In fact, periodic irrigations counteract fecal stasis and remove carcinogenic substances that may be present in the large intestine. It is also a valid preparation tool for invasive and non-invasive diagnostic techniques of the abdominal cavity (ultrasound scans, barium enema, rectosigmoid-colonoscopy, etc.). It is an excellent preoperative tool for all surgical procedures. It is then very useful, to reduce the negative side effects, after protracted or intensive pharmacological treatments (antibiotics, NSAIDs, cortisone drugs, chemotherapeutic drugs, hormones, etc.) both thanks to the rebalancing of the bacterial flora and thanks to the detoxification process.

What is the treatment?

Prior to the ICT cycle, the doctor recommends a preparation program with natural remedies to optimize treatment progress and accelerate results. During the single treatment, which generally lasts 30/40 minutes, the patient is lying on a couch and completely at ease. In the presence of the doctor, filtered, purified water at a carefully regulated temperature is gently introduced into the rectum using a sterile probe (load cycle). The water thus begins to soften the fecal matter and old deposits which are then eliminated with the discharge cycle. To the simple water can be added to the need natural substances of various kinds in order to obtain the maximum therapeutic result. Between one session and another, probiotics are then prescribed which repopulate the colon and restore the homeostasis of the intestinal bacterial flora.

The hydrocolontherapy cycle, to be carried out within one to two months depending on the case, is supported by an individualized feeding program and by a work of drainage and purification of the filter organs and of the intra-cellular and extra-cellular soil. We then move on to the maintenance phase which involves individual treatments of recall or mini-cycles at the change of season.

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