Silicon has always existed - indeed after oxygen is the second most present mineral on Earth - we have recently discovered its fundamental functions within the human body .
The scientific evidence confirms the presence of silicon in the composition of collagen, which is the protein that forms the structure of bones, cartilage and connective tissue .
Silicon is therefore essential for the skin, and for bones, where it acts independently of vitamin D (as Calcium does ). Furthermore, from other studies, it appears that silicon has a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases .
Before heading for supplements, let's see how to increase the intake of silicon with food.
Foods rich in silicon
The primary source of silicon for our body is food: we should take 20 to 50 mg a day . But the problem is its bioavailability or how much silicon our intestines can absorb and how much is eliminated in the urine.
For this it is useful to provide a very abundant diet in foods rich in silicon .
As regards its presence in food, silicon is present above all in the peel of fruits, whole grains, whole wheat bread, garlic, onion, shallot, cauliflower, strawberry, fresh peas, apples.
We prefer the varieties of whole grains and the fruit from organic farming, to be able to taste it with the peel without risking to take traces of chemical contaminants.
In summary, the foods that contain the most silicon are:
> Rye: 600 mg per 100 g;
> Millet: 500 mg per 100 g;
> Potatoes: 200 mg per 100 g;
> Barley: 230 mg per 100 g;
> Wheat: 160 mg per 100 g;
> Onion and garlic: 100 - 180 mg per 100 g;
> Topinambur: 36 mg per 100 g
Furthermore Silicon is contained - in smaller quantities - also in drinking water at about 6.8 mg / liter (there are special waters containing up to 60 mg / liter), in vegetable fibers, in brown rice, in seafood, in chilli, in soy, in asparagus, in green leafy vegetables and in beets and even in beer (since it is made from barley, a food rich in Silicon).
Beyond foods, the richest silicon herbs
There are also several herbs containing silicon in large quantities, which can be used as natural supplements. Here are the main ones:
> Bamboo (from the marrow of the stems): silicon is 50-70% of its dry weight;
> Horsetail: silicon is 30-70% of its dry weight;
> Nettle: silicon is 1% of its dry weight. The nettle, in particular can be used in addition to our dishes, salads or cooked vegetables.
Read also
> Blackcurrant, the natural antioxidant
> Silicon for young skin