"Practical guide to reduce electromagnetic waves" by Carl de Miranda

Electromagnetic waves and invisible risks to be known

" Protect yourself from electrosmog: all health risks and how to defend yourself " is the subtitle of the book by Carl De Miranda "Practical guide to reduce electromagnetic waves", to defend oneself from those who are the invisible enemies of health they can find in the environments of everyday life.

Carl De Miranda is a consultant, author and lectures on energy and healthy habitats, dealing with health protection research for over twenty years.

A graduate of the Polytechnic and of the Higher School of Electricity, he is one of the founding members of Greenweez.com, a reference e-commerce site on ecological products that respect man and the environment.

The first part of the book is dedicated to understanding what electromagnetic waves are; we then go on to describe, in the second and more extensive section of the guide, how the exposure of the body to the same can be limited, reviewing the home and the work environments and the outside world.

An in-depth analysis is made about the equipment and tools that can help protect yourself and monitor the rate of electromagnetic pollution, and then evaluate its danger.

In the final part of the book, cell phones, connections, wireless, bluetooth, cordless, WIFi and DECT are reviewed, offering ideas and ideas to move forward in a different way, more attentive and aware, in essence to implement that which he himself calls "the precautionary principle" in this constantly interconnected world.

The author, reflecting with the reader from a critical and analytical point of view, does not fail to cite studies, reports and measures taken by the authorities on the subject, proceeding through a direct and concrete language.

Electromagnetism concerns the daily life of all of us even if every state and country in the world has different parameters and implements different measures on the question: research is in fact being carried out on which it is good to keep up to date to protect oneself and defend oneself against subtle invisible enemies better and as you can.

Electric field and magnetic field

Taking up what De Miranda says, the electric field and the magnetic field act on the electrical particles that make up the matter and on their movement. Atoms, cell molecules, have variable electrical characteristics, depending on the matter in question.

Therefore, an electromagnetic field can act on matter through its electrical characteristics. In fact we are surrounded by these waves: from the alarm clock we turn off on the bedside table, to the heater, to the microwave, through the toaster and the tablet we use in the morning to read the first page of the newspaper, everything we interact with has "frequencies ".

To be more precise, low and high frequencies .

In fact, even Eastern disciplines and traditions have an energetic approach to existence, in fact that many practitioners or meditators live the experience of this subtle and vibratory nature, developing their inner sensitivity.

It is not a way of feeling for a select few: with a little attention, practice and training, those with a particular receptivity and senility can learn to "perceive" their personal energy field . Sensitive at a high level are children, particularly exposed to the risks of electromagnetic waves: in France in 2015 WiFi was prohibited in nursery schools, just to respect their organism.

The dangers of unstable matter

When matter risks becoming unstable because it is subjected to the action of these waves and frequencies, then the dangers begin to become real and the impact can be decidedly negative.

Despite numerous conflicting points - states De Miranda - however, scientists agree that the organism can be affected by electromagnetic fields ; moreover, it is a known fact that there are a large number of treatments and therapies that are part of traditional medicine that use electromagnetic waves.

The World Health Organization itself has set limit values ​​not to be exceeded regarding exposure to waves . The biological effects observed concern: DNA alterations; the impact on the production of "stress proteins" and melatonin, on the immune and neurological system; alterations to the blood-brain barrier and male fertility.

Some statistical studies, as reported in the guide, would highlight correlations with far more serious pathologies, while less serious disorders would be loss of sleep, fatigue and difficulty concentrating.

How to limit exposure to electromagnetic waves

Special recommendations emerge at the end of the reading and concern the safety of the environments, in particular of the house.

Pay attention to grounding, how the cables are made, and the positioning of the switches.

A useful table is provided in the guide to calculate the electromagnetic transmission of some household appliances such as electric razors, hair dryers, ovens, radios, washing machines, irons, dishwashers, refrigerators, TVs, lamps or light bulbs, computers, mobile phones or particular house facilities, such as electric heating, induction cookers and so on.

For example, direct contact with electrical appliances should be avoided : a decided no should therefore be said about electric blankets, for example.

Likewise, children should not be used on mobile phones and it is important to use handsfree as much as possible. It is also important, not only for energy consumption, to switch off the appliance stands.

These and many other tips are listed in the final part of the guide, along with a list of specific names and websites to help with orientation.

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