All the benefits of mallow

We can find the mallow in the meadows, at the edges of the plowed fields or from the florist.

Its flowers are graceful, lilac with purple streaks and the stem is small and woody, but has multiple beneficial properties .

The Malva silvestris is a herbaceous plant of North African origin from the Malvaceae family traditionally used both in nutrition and for the preparation of herbal remedies.

The name "mallow" has an uncertain derivation, from Latin or Greek, but it is certainly linked to the concept of "emollient" .

All the benefits of mallow

The properties of mallow are placed mainly in the flowers and leaves, which have been used as food and natural remedy for centuries. The substances responsible for the beneficial properties are mainly the mucilages, with emollient and anti-inflammatory activity .

The harvest of the best mallow for the preparation of natural remedies, which will be in the form of infusion and decoction, takes place in spring.

> A i uta in case of constipation : the mucilages of the mallow stimulate the contractions of the intestine and facilitate the transit, if accompanied by an adequate amount of water. Still, these can intervene and benefit in the case of hemorrhoids.

> Jute against toothache : the mucilages of the mallow with their astringent properties help the healing in case of small wounds in the mouth or gums, while the emollient properties of the mallow help to relieve inflammation and pain in the teeth.

> It is purifying : The officinal mallow stimulates bowel regularity thus helping the colon to carry out its task of purifying the organism and eliminating toxins, proving useful in slimming diets.

> Anti-inflammatory for the eyes : the emollient properties of mallow can be used for red eyes, making compresses with malva infusion left to cool

> Relieves cough : the mallow infusion has expectorant properties useful in case of mucus and cough. The mallow infusion is recommended for fat cough, for problems with irritated throat (laryngitis and pharyngitis), inflammation of the oral cavity and against colds

> Protects the stomach : the emollient properties of mallow will benefit gastritis and heartburn, protecting the gastric mucosa

> F favors relaxation : the infusion of mallow has a calming effect on anxiety and agitation.

> It is enzyme for the skin : natural remedies based on mallow, are excellent for treating redness of the skin, inflammation, insect bites, irritation and accelerate the healing of wounds.

> The symptoms of female inflammation are improved : mallow can be used to disinfect mucous membranes and treat vaginitis.

Mallow has no particular contraindications, so much so that it is one of the few natural remedies that can be used even during pregnancy .

Also read Mallow essential oil >>

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