We clean the intestine with the hydrocolon therapy

Intestinal cleansing is slowly entering Western culture, thanks to the media and the use of information related to the topic of rampant online, especially in those who take care of their bodies and natural well-being.

The intestine now considered "our second brain", rich in nerve endings, interacts and influences our nervous and emotional systems.

We know well that when we are tense or nervous, or anxious for some reason, our daily regularity jumps, increasing even more the psychophysical discomfort.

We could talk for hours about the intestine and its functionality, its physiology is in fact quite complex, but we can learn to know it better and to avoid that all the mechanism that revolves around it goes haywire!

The intestine speaks to us, speaks a lot and expresses itself by altering its regularity, and manifesting pathologies or unequivocal signs.

The use of drugs and laxatives, even some natural ones (those belonging to the anthraquinone family) can induce them to develop a laziness in evacuation, inflaming it even more, especially if they consume foods with an astringent and inflammatory action (chocolate, hot spices, refined foods, meats and dry foods, ) or if already oriented towards specific problems such as haemorrhoids and diverticulitis and even drinking little it enhances an incorrect functioning.

Stress then, is the main enemy and we know it well (colitis of nervous origin, constipation ...)

Intestinal cleansing can be done in different ways, and even when there is an apparent state of normality, at least once in a lifetime must be done to thoroughly purify ourselves and become aware of what we hold within us.

A daily evacuation, so to speak, is not sufficient to establish whether everything is proceeding in the right direction there.

The consistency, shape and smell of defecation, and other attitudes that are never adopted must also be assessed.

Observing the stool is important for the evaluation of our state of health.

A healthy intestine is an indication of an equally healthy body, vice versa, the possibility of developing diseases will be quite high.

A problematic intestine must be kept under control, and its regular cleaning helps him to restore his own functions, to feel more deflated, to purify other excretory organs and to have glowing skin, hair and eyes, but also for women who have problems with the menstrual cycle, it can prove to be an unthinkable solution and of considerable help to decrease the pain or the symptoms related to it.

Hydrocolon therapy, is an effective practice to detoxify and cleanse ourselves from toxins also produced by drugs and antibiotics, not to underestimate the quick chewing which is not a good way to keep it in a eubiosis state.

Everything that is not carefully chewed is attacked by "bad" ferments creating putrefaction or fermentation.

How does the hydrocolon therapy work?

The environment where the session takes place is generally comfortable and takes place in total privacy and discretion by qualified professionals (doctors or nurses).

The procedure is to free the intestine with three fillings of lukewarm water and as many emptyings through a machine connected to a tube which will be introduced through a smaller canula into the patient's anus.

The session lasts about 50 minutes with a great feeling of well-being especially during the first session

Depending on the individual conditions, more cycles will be carried out during the year or simply calls will be useful once or twice a year during the seasonal changeover.

Taking care of the diet and changing some unhealthy habits together with the hydrocolon therapy, are another way to deal with ourselves with awareness and love.

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