D .: Radha, what is Tantralife?
R .: As is well known, Tantra is a method to expand one's awareness.
I wanted to call my work Tantralife to distinguish it from the Tantric traditions
ancient and to give it a more modern connotation, easily practicable by everyone and that
bring about changes in all areas of everyday life.
Q .: In what sense does life change?
R .: First of all the quality of life changes. It is as if we have lived a life so far
at the minimum. It is as if we had seen life looking through the keyhole. Tantralife
allows you to open the door. And behind that door is a broader view of existence.
With this method you learn to live more intensely, to enjoy and enjoy yourself
from everything (starting from contact with our body), our self-esteem increases and
we have much more energy to use in work, in creativity, in everything!
Q .: Is your method described in your book "Tantra, A way of living and loving"?
R .: Not exactly. In the book I wanted to tell my experience. I was lucky
extraordinary to begin my spiritual journey when I was very young, with Osho, e
I wanted to tell this part of my life in the book. In fact it is from this root that
my work is born. In the book, however, there are also some beautiful meditations
tantric that can be practiced at home. But to learn Tantra the first thing is
experiment it through the Tantralife courses.
Q .: What is this method?
R .: Basically it is a path of self-knowledge that starts from the relationship
that we have with our body to let us access ever greater levels of
awareness. The central core of my work is Tantralife Training, one more path
stages in which the practitioner has the opportunity to approach gradually and gradually
deep to its potential. The first steps are already taken in the course "La Sessualità
Meditative ”, the Basic Course, and consist of getting closer to the body: making friends with
it is totally accepting it to be able to understand how the body is the main vehicle
to find us here-and-now ... The body does not lie! We then move on to expand our senses,
beginning to open up to a broader vision of reality: the senses are the door to the
pleasure that we can now find in ourselves and also around us. And then we work
on the expansion of energy: we start from the body to understand that we are not made of
only matter but there is a spiritual essence in us that needs to express itself. These
are obviously only the first steps ...
Q .: But in practice what is done in the courses?
R .: My approach is very sweet, sensual, playful, non-invasive. In practice use
meditative techniques, dance, breath, bioenergetics, role exercises ... And then meditations that
they can be done alone or together with a partner.
Q: So at Tantralife courses, is it possible to come as a couple or alone?
A .: Absolutely yes. On the contrary, I also usually advise those who are in pairs to participate
individually to group courses. Tantra, in fact, should not be understood as a method to reunify couples, or to improve sexual performance, even if obviously these
can be pleasant side effects. As I said before, Tantralife is a journey of
personal growth and if we participate in a course with the aim of getting to know us better
themselves, it will be much easier to do so if we are not distracted, worried or inhibited by
presence of the partner.
Q .: Is there also sex in Tantralife courses?
R .: There is no explicit sex, but we are going to move sexual energy as well
in those who have sex every day, it's still dormant. Awakening this energy too
the rest wakes up. It is the famous door that opens. This energy needs to be
explored and freed from the taboos and repressions imposed on us. It's this one
same energy that, once released, can be transformed into a source of health, vitality and joy
that we can apply to all areas of our life. If we learn to honor e
to respect this energy, we will also understand how to use it to be more aware and
awake, more meditative. And in turn meditation gives us the support to contain this
energy that is so powerful.
D .: Hearing about meditation, the comparison with other techniques comes naturally
meditative. In what way is Tantralife different from methods like Yoga, for example?
A .: Yoga implies an absolute discipline. It is very rigorous and uses the effort and the
concentration as a method towards a goal, a goal. Tantra is the opposite.
It teaches how to break away from the idea of a goal. It teaches you to relax in the moment, to enjoy
of the "here and now". Obviously, sexuality is the moment when we are more and
of course here-and-now. That's why Tantra starts with sex, uses sexual energy.
The greatest difficulty in Tantra consists in the fact that unfortunately in our type of culture
we have brought the concept of goal, of goal, also in the sexual act. For this
many schools of Tantra teach nothing but techniques to experience more sexuality
relaxed and free from the goal of orgasm. In my approach, however, this is only the first one
step, the ABC, and I arrive in a non-technical, non-yogic way.
Q .: So what is Tantralife different from other Tantra schools?
A .: My background is based on Osho's vision. Having lived for 20 years next door
to him, I could not help but absorb his vision and his quality, his
"fragrance". Unlike other schools, the accent is not so much on the Tantralife route
sexual techniques but on sensuality, on energy. So I don't teach sexual practices either
positions, type of sex assembly line ... I use instead the natural sensuality that it is
present in each participant. In a sense, the participant is "seduced" by the
own energy, tasting, perhaps for the first time, a new quality within itself. IS
this naturally and effortlessly leads to pleasant relaxation and a state
meditative, also and not only in sexuality. I remember that Osho said that orgasm is
a moment of spiritual illumination, where the boundaries disappear, where there is no time and
There is no space. This is precisely what I want the participants of my courses to experience,
making them understand that it is possible to extend these moments of ecstasy the most
possible in everyday life ... experiencing a "Tantra-life".
tel. 347 0187761 - - www.tantralife.com