Back pain and psychosomatic causes

Back pain originates from specific pathologies of bones, muscles or joints, in very very small percentages. The causes are often psychosomatic; the vertebral column is considered the force that allows us to face all the situations of our life, it represents the seat of endurance of all the burdens of our life. On the vertebral column we discharge material but also emotional weights, many times we load ourselves with commitments and responsibilities, until then the body says "enough". In fact, many back pains derive precisely from overestimation of their own limits: the classic back blockage comes suddenly, without perhaps giving us any warning signs, just to give us a STOP, and forces us to spend sometimes even long periods in bed and without being able to carry out all the daily tasks.

It is not by chance that we can see that tense and anxious people, taking rigid postures, are frequent to suffer contractures and tears.

We must not resist.

I have been able to see that the people most at risk are those with a strong sense of duty, always ready to help others, even when they may not feel it, they are people brought to excessive altruism, they sacrifice themselves for others, they are pervaded from the sense of guilt, and they don't allow themselves, almost never to say, a well-deserved period of leisure and relaxation.

It is important to understand that maybe a "yes" said to not disappoint the other person, to take on a responsibility that we feel too great within us, or we do not feel ready to face, can then turn into a "NO" expressed by the our body, perhaps with a sudden localized pain in the spine.

Learning to listen to us and setting limits is already a good start to care.

Being able to understand that physical ailments always depend first on psychic disharmony is very important, and this teaches us that the possibility of returning in full health is in our hands. That is why it is very important to analyze what we can tolerate and what not, what responsibility we are really willing to take and which ones are not. This analysis is a very important part of the healing process.

Flower essences once again are the best remedies for dealing with all the disorders that also have an emotional root. There are essences indicated precisely for people who feel overloaded with commitments and responsibilities, essences indicated for those who feel indispensable and irreplaceable, for those who are practically dependent on their work, and do not give themselves a well-deserved rest. For example, there is the Agrimony essence that is useful to all people who have an unconscious need to keep everything under control, and nothing must leak out, so they create a sort of mask in front of them, which depicts the cheerful person and smiling, without showing that the exact opposite lies behind.

So let's try not to make actions that we really don't want, because by resisting to the bitter end we risk over time to enter a permanent state of tension, with consequent physical consequences, especially on our backs.

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