The eyes of health: the iridological constitutions

Iridological constitutions

The constitutional iridology is a particular iridological activity which consists in the simple observation of the iris aimed at highlighting the reasons for possible energy imbalances, besides considering the toxin level and the psychophysical resources of our organism. Very useful in preventive medicine, constitutional iridology indicates the predisposition of a subject to get sick.

Anatomy teaches us that the normal color of the iris is blue . The brown iris is due to the presence of melanophore cells, which produce pigments of brown color, with different gradations, from hazel to dark brown, apparently black. According to William Hauser, director of the Iridology School of the Felke Institute, in Germany, dark irises are typical of populations that defend themselves well from heat and light and that live at the equator, while clear irises are typical of populations that defend themselves. from the cold and have chosen to settle at the poles. The meeting and mixing of these two types has subsequently given rise to a third type of person, characterized by partly clear and partly dark irises .

The iridological constitution does not actually give us specific diagnostic data, but is able to establish a general tendency of the subjective pathogenic predispositions . Establishing with precision the constitution of the iris that must be analyzed is fundamental to interpret the possible chromatic alterations traceable on it. Iride constitutions tend to indicate the background color of the iris. In this way we have in iridology three types of constitution, annexed to three colors, namely: Azzurra or Lymphatic, Brown or Hematogenous and Mixed or Brown / Blue . Let us briefly review them, trying to specify their characteristics, problems and their naturopathic remedies.

The lymphatic constitution

This first iridological constitution presents three weak points . The first of these concerns the mucous membranes and therefore the conjunctivitis. The second is the serous and therefore disorders affecting pleura, pericardium, peritoneum, meninges. The last weak point is the immune system, which can be hyper-reactive or disreative, causing allergies in the latter case. The subjects of iridological constitution of lymphatic type present low cortisol, which is not able to control lymphocytes during the immune reaction. Lymphatics tend to suffer from joint pain due to cartilage problems. For lymphatic subjects naturopathic remedies such as Ribes nigrum or Boswelia are recommended.

The hematogenous constitution

The weak points of this type of iris are attributable to the intermediate metabolism of the liver organ and to anemias. For this type of iridological constitution there are a series of problems relating, for example, to detoxification, since the liver is the organ used to capture toxic substances, transform them and then eliminate them. The same goes for hormones. As a result, gemmatotherapics may be suggested to a hematogenous girl suffering from menstrual pain and attempting to treat the liver before other solutions. This iridological constitution should therefore be very careful with alcohol, drugs, not very healthy foods (such as fast food) and anything else that is harmful to the liver.

The mixed constitution

The last type of iris is formed by the brown color plus the blue one. The brown component can affect only one eye, both, some sectors or only the central part. The problems attributable to this type of iris are usually low production of bile, poor production of pancreatic juice, poor production of bicarbonate and hypertrophy of the bacterial flora.

These are all problems that, as is well understood, cause poor digestion, fermentation of food that remains in the stomach longer, production of intestinal gas and altered production by the intestinal bacterial flora of the B vitamins (cause of asthenia) and vitamin K (cause of bleeding). The intake of dandelion, artichoke and bicarbonate can be effective. Subjects with mixed iridological constitution should follow a monodieta, introduce digestive enzymes and papaya seeds in the diet. Also avoid lactic acid bacteria and yeasts.

These three iridological constitutions are flanked by the so-called dispositions that are divided into neurogenic, weak connective, spastic vegetative and tuberculinicache. Each arrangement, therefore associated with a constitution and the various signs that can be read on the iris, will allow the iridologist naturopath a different information that will allow to complete the naturopathic exam.

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