Cosmetics and soaps EM
More and more beauty products containing actual microorganisms or EM (Effective Microorganism) to simplify.
Here they are present in shampoos, soaps, moisturizers, tonic, and other skin products; passing through lip balm and toothpaste, up to men's shaving products ; they are also found in shower gels, in deodorant, in body milk, in hand or foot creams, in bath salts, in shampoos and conditioners .
There are many houses that distribute them, among these are Punto EM which is the official distributor for Italy of products containing actual microorganisms; the Austrian Multikraft that offers different products, especially for garden and home care, but also for body care, with a whole line from the name Bioemsan for the face, oral hygiene, body and hair; this site also has an updated blog that even shows recipes with actual microorganisms; EMbio del Trentino, which proudly cites the motto of its discoverer "The only limit to the use of EM is the human imagination!"
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The effectiveness of effective microorganisms
The efficacy of the actual microorganisms is a subject still strongly debated today. There are those who claim that for certain uses they would not be so promising, such as the case of detergents analyzed by But there is nothing better than checking for yourself and getting to know these products as much as possible, possibly experimenting with them according to your needs.
Those who appreciate its use have been able to see that this innovative but natural approach gives the possibility to say no to substances of chemical derivation for the products that are chosen every day. Home hygiene, floriculture, gardening, personal care, as already mentioned, the properties of the actual microorganisms can be seen in many fields.
As explained by Dr. Higa in the book below, they would also have a positive effect on the immune system, proven by scientific tests.
What are the actual microorganisms
The discovery of the actual microorganisms dates back to 1982, by the Japanese professor Teruo Higa, who realized that different microorganisms combined - a large group of bacteria responsible for the regenerative process - had, in certain products used for agriculture, a much better and more natural effect than using chemical products.
Their diffusion, in more than 150 countries of the world, is in continuous growth, touching above all sectors of everyday life. The products containing actual microorganisms are found as much in agriculture, breeding and animal husbandry, fish farming, composting, waste treatment and waste water, building; but also and increasingly in domestic cleanliness, health and well-being of the body.
Book to read: " Effective Microorganisms" by Teruo Higa; " Practical guide to actual microorganisms. An opportunity for our land " by Anne Lorch.