A Reiki treatment: transmission as a way of healing

Healing the body through energy may seem to many as an absurd idea, certainly not immediately rational on the other, if we consider that it is a question of treating the visible with the invisible . Yet we are talking about energy, or something that is the subject of scientific studies and that regulates all human activities.

If we want to make a trivial example, just think of the radio, which often works better if we touch it. This is because any object that carries current can function as an antenna and pick up radio waves. It is the case of the human body that, like any piece of metal, "extends" the antenna and improves the harmony.

A Reiki Master sees energy flows, perceives them. Milena Melone Piccioni obtained the specialization in Reiki Master at Universal Oneness Usui Reiki in America in 1996 and continues to practice Reiki also in Italy, where she currently resides. We asked her some questions to find out more about what happens during a Reiki treatment.

Is Reiki a spiritual practice?

I would not put the emphasis on spiritual character, but on energetic discourse. Energy transmission occurs during a Reiki treatment. Reiki is the union of two powerful Japanese ideograms that together form the expression " universal life energy ". The Reiki Master is in contact with this universal source and transfers it to the person who is receiving the treatment. It is a real energy exchange. I know of Masters who receive activation via the web or of people who boast the possibility of doing online treatments: I personally remain very skeptical about it.

But the symbols are now also found on the web ...

Yes, but if you haven't reached the last Reiki level, those symbols remain empty.

Can you describe a Reiki treatment for short?

The energy comes out of the person in the direction that goes from right to left. I put my hands at the two ends of these channels. If with the left hand I don't perceive anything, it means that there is an energy block there and my job will be to remove it until it then rises to the crown, the upper part of the head.

Two essential titles to get better into the world of Reiki.

Essential, not so much for Reiki in the strict sense, as for the general theory on healing, the book and the CD by Louise Hay " Heal your body ". It is a very useful text to understand that illness is the last step through which a blockade of an energetic nature is manifested on a physical level. More detailed on Reiki and with illustrations "The Book of Reiki" written by Diane Stein.

You have lived in America for a long time and have been here in Italy for a while. It can be said that America was the second cradle of Reiki: Takata designated Phyllis Lei Furumoto, founder of the worldwide Reiki Alliance association, as "heir". In Italy, on the other hand, don't you think that Reiki is surrounded by a bit of skepticism?

Of course, in America the situation is different, Reiki is also a recognized medical treatment, it is made available to the sick even in hospitals, to give an example. Even in this country, however, people are approaching not only Reiki, but, more generally, to forms of awareness that give the right importance to the energy factor .

There are Italians who know Reiki and appreciate its therapeutic properties. Those who do not know him will come closer, if interest is born in them. A few days ago, for example, a gentleman entered the shop intrigued by the Reiki book that I keep in the window. In short, in general, I believe in that kind of push that comes naturally, without forcing.

Is there a dialogue during a Reiki treatment, does an exchange of words ever take place?

Everything depends on the "turn" that the session takes. You can do Reiki and talk or not. You may be dealing with a shy person or someone who wants to express what they are feeling. For example, sometimes it happens that the person receiving the treatment talks to me, describes the colors he can visualize, the sensations he experiences. It also happens that I perceive things that maybe at first I don't know if it's better to report. Sometimes it is better to keep them for me, other times to share them can also create the situation that allows the person to let off steam.

So the daily life of a Reiki Master should be a continuous shielding of negative energies in order to preserve the energy efficiency to be used in the treatment?

I would rather say that it is precisely through the life that one continues to learn. Obviously, it is good to avoid wasting energy. You also need to protect yourself from the so-called "energy sucking vampires", those people who, needing a great deal of energy, suck it from those around them. Finally, we are all endowed with an aura, imagine how fine threads come out of our person; this bundle of wires creates a white "fabric" that surrounds, protects, fencing.

What is the relationship between Reiki and meditation?

To receive the message you have to put yourself in the right channel; by this I mean that the work of refining work on current and vibration to make contact in the proper way. Meditation in this sense is preparatory. I would say that, more generally, doing a little meditation prepares us for listening . In every sense, whether or not you are a Reiki Master.

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