Perineal hygiene and prevention of cystitis in women

In women the entrances of urethra, vagina and rectum are very close, which is why bacteria and other infectious agents present in the intestine can easily migrate into the vagina or bladder.

Perineal hygiene in women is therefore of fundamental importance to prevent the appearance of infections such as cystitis and vaginitis .

The rules for proper perineal hygiene are simple and are the first valuable aid to prevent cystitis in women of all ages.

Advice for proper perineal hygiene

> During female intimate hygiene operations, that is when the private parts are washed or dried, always proceed from the front to the back and never in the opposite direction. The same rule must be followed every time you clean yourself with toilet paper. It is important to teach this simple behavior even to girls.

> Do not share towels or undergarments with anyone.

> Nutrition is important . Following a varied diet, as well as rich in fiber, seasonal fruits and vegetables, helps to maintain a regular bowel. Women who suffer from constipation have a greater chance of contracting cystitis. Diarrhea also exposes itself more to the risk of cystitis. In the case of irregular bowel, perineal hygiene is therefore doubly important.

> A thorough personal hygiene before and after sexual intercourse is essential.

> Cystitis is an infection that affects the entire female population, but is more common in pregnancy or after menopause; women of this age group must therefore pay double attention to perineal hygiene, especially before and after intimate relationships.

> Same attention during the change of season, where the immune defenses are lowered and the risk of cystitis increases.

> Finally, it is important to use suitable detergents ; for your personal hygiene, always choose soaps with a slightly acid pH .

Also try echinacea to fight cystitis

To know more:

> Homeopathic remedies for cystitis

> Urinary tract infections in pregnancy: causes and remedies

> Cystitis: diet and proper nutrition

> Cystitis after sexual intercourse

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