When to consult a chiropractor

Each state has legislation of its own when it comes to health and health, but it is curious and interesting to find that chiropractic receives so much attention and treatment with little opinion in the medical community.

The World Health Organization has in some way regulated the practice of chiropractic, even establishing university courses, registration registers and ad hoc laws.

In some countries the costs faced by patients for chiropractic are even covered by the health system and health insurance .

What is chiropractic

Officially chiropractic is an alternative medicine that deals with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially with regard to the vertebral column and, as the name suggests, the techniques are applied with the hands, therefore without invasive tools, and concern the manipulation of the bones, joints and various soft tissues (muscles and organs).

The main reason why chiropractic is struggling to be accepted by science is the fact that it is based on the concept of "spontaneous intelligence of the body", that is the innate capacity of the latter to balance and eventually cure those that are called chiropractic subluxations . In many of its practical aspects, chiropractic seems to cross and often overlap with physiotherapy and osteopathy.

Also read Daniel Palmer, founder of chiropractic >>

Who turns to the chiropractor

Anyone can go to the chiropractor for a wide range of problems: statistically speaking the most common are constant headaches, sciatica, neck pain and back muscles close to it.

Even pregnant women can go to the chiropractor, and they often do it to alleviate the stress that the back has to undergo during the body's transformation in the nine months of gestation.

To put it simply, we can say that pain is a way used by the body to make us understand that something is not right . It is something they experience in fact after accidents, infections, poisonings and other similar experiences.

Muscle and posture-related pains are no exception, and often, if untreated, become the cause or contributing cause of other problems, such as respiratory and locomotor difficulties, allergies, vision problems, etc.

Reasons to go to the chiropractor

There are a number of fairly common symptoms or indicators that can lead us to consult the chiropractor.

  • Headache . There are countless potential causes of headaches and there are many different types of headaches. It could be dehydration, brain trauma, lack of oxygen, or incorrect spinal alignment. When the spinal alignment is the cause, the blood flow destined to reach the brain is reduced, and with it the supply of oxygen, a situation that can be remedied with a correct chiropractic treatment.
  • Muscular and joint pains . This is a very vague and vast caterogy at the same time, yet when we experience this kind of pain we should not immediately run in search of painkillers and analgesics but discover the cause of the disorder which is often due to a musculoskeletal alignment problem . Chiropractic takes care of these cases, ensuring proper alignment of muscles and bones, therefore a correct functioning of the body and a reduction of this type of pain.
  • Posture problems . In most cases, these are due to jobs that require you to sit for many hours, such as those in the office, at school or driving a vehicle. All these hours of work produce a great deal of stress on the neck, shoulders, and upper part of the spine . Regularly consulting a chiropractor will ensure proper spinal alignment.
  • Back pains . When these are chronic, it is a bad sign and the main reason that drives people to consult a chiropractor. Often the alignment of the feet is involved in this problem and the chiropractor will do the necessary to realign the muscles and bones of the back without the use of surgery or medicines .
  • Foot problems . We have just mentioned them: if you notice that your feet have drastically different angles or if you need shoes with different soles, then you need to consult a chiropractor . Often the origin of all this is in the spine and that's where the specialist will go to work.
  • Reduced limb movements . Consult a chiropractor if you experience this symptom, seeing that you can no longer rotate your arms as before or open your hips or guralize your neck, even in the absence of pain . The realignment and addition of chronic subluxations helps to regain lost movements.

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