All uses of propolis

The cold season brings with it various forms of cooling and inflammation and one of the most indicated natural products is given to us by the bees: propolis.

Propolis is the result of a meticulous work of collecting this resinous substance from plants and reworking it with wax, pollen and self-produced enzymes.

Properties of propolis

Propolis is a precious product with multiple properties that in synthesis help the body to fight those pathogens - the so-called seasonal ailments - that especially in winter, or in conditions of sudden climate changes, alter the condition of well-being, and cause the 'arise from sore throat, cough, pharyngitis, laryngitis, but also lowering of the immune system with the appearance of herpes.

In fact, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antibiotic properties are ascribed to propolis ... Almost an "antunque" of which we cannot do without.

The uses of propolis: indications

> Cold or flu caused by temperature changes or viral nature.

> Sore throat, due to specific inflammation of its parts, therefore tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis.

> Oral infections due to fungi such as candida, stomatitis, canker sores.

> Skin or mucosal infections caused by herpes simplex, also indicated in the case of herpes zoster in support of drug therapy.

> Wounds, fissures, skin lacerations, it promotes regeneration and disinfects the part.

> Dandruff, acts as an antifungal in the presence of the fungus that causes it, helps skin regeneration and exfoliation hydration.

The uses of propolis: method of use

Propolis is processed in various ways for use as focused as possible.

> Hydro-alcoholic extract : in drops to be diluted in water to perform rinses of the oral cavity or gargling, indicated in case of mouth ulcers, sore throat, gum inflammation, dental infections.

> Aqueous extract : in alcohol-free drops to allow children to use it or to mix it with neutral shampoo in case of dandruff.

> Fluid extract : a sort of propolis syrup to help expectoration, fluidize the mucus and quell the cough.

> Dry extract : chewable or ingested tablets to disinfect the oral cavity and to stimulate the immune system.

> Hydro-alcoholic extract ready in spray: it is used as a mouthwash to be dispensed in the furthest points of the throat, generally enriched with essential oils and often in synergy with the erysime to favor the disinfection of the vocal cords and lighten the voice.

> Propolis ointment: a real ointment, sometimes enriched with hypericum oil to promote the healing of small skin wounds, fissures, inflamed hemorrhoids. Performs a disinfectant, soothing and restorative action.

Preventive use of propolis

Like all products from the beekeeping world, propolis is a valid remedy to be used to prevent seasonal ailments and thus strengthen the protective barriers of our body .

Taking propolis during seasonal changes, not just at winter, helps our body to sustain temperature changes, environmental stresses, and therefore to strengthen the immune system.

The dry extract formulation is the most easily absorbed in this case and can be taken for short cycles to be repeated. This is because, as with many remedies, our organism has an extremely active memory and can easily lead to addiction, so it is advisable not to extend the use of propolis in a preventive way beyond three months.

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