Belladonna against inflammation

Belladonna: the features

Belladonna is not a poison? That's right: the whole plant is poisonous, especially the berries, they can be deadly .

So if in our walks in the mountains we come across a small plant with an erect stem that can reach a meter and a half in height with violet flowers in the shape of a goblet or with berries similar to blueberries, in the uncertainty we do not taste anything, we could remain “dry "!

The dangerous components that have an activity on the central nervous system are 3 alkaloids :

1. the atropine that acts on the parasympathetic system with sedative effects, dilates the pupils and can be deadly,

2. hyoscyamine;

3. scopolamine with antispasmodic properties.

Don't worry, the homeopathic remedy is obtained from dilution and dynamization of the tincture of Belladonna and at the time of taking it to our body comes only the message of rebalancing the decompensation.

Belladonna: The Homeopathic Remedy

Belladonna is a broad-spectrum homeopathic remedy that is used to rebalance alterations caused by many types of diseases. It is included among the polychrome remedies for these characteristics.

Specifically, Belladonna is indicated in case of symptoms due to inflammation, which manifests itself with sudden redness, heat and / or burning, or swelling. Often the pain is throbbing, with fever, even high from delirium.

The characterizing aspect is hyper-excitability, intolerance to evil, to sources of noise and light. It is particularly indicated to those who suffer from inflammations that start from the head or in any case from the upper parts of the body and then reverberate downwards.

They are pains that become acute with:

> the cold;

> the noise;

> sources of annoyance that further disturb;

> even lying down seems to exacerbate the discomfort.

Belladonna can be adopted in cases such as:

> pathologies of the respiratory system;

> colds;

> influence;

> sore throat with inflammation of the part and difficulty swallowing;

> dry cough;

> otitis;

> conjunctivitis;

> exanthematous diseases with significant skin rashes;

> solar erythema;

> chilblains;

> eczema;

> abscesses.

Furthermore, Belladonna acts to restore the right balance in the case of disorders such as:

> headaches;

> neuralgia;

> insomnia;

> depression;

> convulsions;

> gastritis;

> colitis.

The dosage is established by the doctor and could also include a synergistic remedy to reinforce the message of similarity of care.

The Belladonna type

Similia similibus curantur is the mantra of homeopathy, so let's see how the subject Belladonna looks like.

Generally it is a pleasant person, who in conditions of equilibrium is well in the company of others, but is easily decompensable by elements of disturbance, snaps quickly, becomes emotionally inflamed, tends to be nervous if subjected to stress .

Read also

> Chronic insomnia, the remedies

> Belladonna, when to take it

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