Subtle energies and self-healing

The assumption of natural and postulated medicine of many traditional medicines, such as the Chinese one, is the concept of subtle energies .

Let's find out what their role is in the body's self-healing process.

Invisible energies to the eyes

"The essential is invisible to the eye, " says the Little Prince, the protagonist of the book of the same name by the French writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

In addition to a physical body, which has an extension and a material reality, we are in fact endowed with a subtle body that takes names and takes on different characteristics according to the reference tradition.

For example, the basis of polarity therapy is the assumption that there are channels that flow around and within our body, to be imagined as energy flows that pass through three fundamental poles, one positive, one negative and a third neutral.

The idea of energy channels ( nadi ) and energy concentration points ( chakras ) belongs to the yoga tradition.

Finally, for traditional Chinese medicine, the cosmos as well as the individual are included in the complementary movements of the two forces known as yin and yang .

Contact with the self and subtle energies

Accepting the existence of what we fail to see is the first step in entering the world of subtle energies. It is enough to observe the energy variations we record during a single day.

Mood swings, sudden drops in vitality, sudden surges in energy: these are all situations we cannot say how or why they trigger, but which, in fact, influence us.

Every human being has the power to direct these energies. The first step is to avoid complaining about these energy dips and accept the existence of both positive and negative energy phases.

Being with yourself rediscovering the healing power of the body

Subtle energies and self-healing

The symptoms act as messengers of a state of discomfort, so in most cases they already carry the cure. The energy self-healing process in fact starts from the interpretation of the symptom, an essential phase to acquire the necessary awareness to face the energy imbalance.

Beginning a self-healing process means listening to oneself: not neglecting the symptoms of a malaise and identifying values ​​that act as a compass in the path of existence. Therefore, approaching self-healing means choosing health. If we move from the symptom to cases of advanced disease, we see how energy therapies are interpreted as signals that the body has sent us and that we have not heard.

It is therefore necessary for the person affected by the disorder to rely on a doctor; the human approach of the physician himself towards his patient becomes an indispensable factor in the self-healing process. To give an example, to provide a cancer patient with a life expectancy of a few months is something quite different from providing the patient with support based on eye contact, human warmth, correct information even with respect to moments of pain that await him.

Advice on how to perceive subtle energies

Some advice on how to increase sensitivity to your subtle energies and how to take care of our energy balance:

To communicate

It is essential to keep an open mind and give it stimuli, to listen, not to close the channels of dialogue, both verbal and physical. We are talking, of course, of a communication that benefits the involved interlocutors, which favors their growth, increases the dose of irony, especially if we are passing a particularly heavy moment.

Treat the power supply

Diet plays a key role in maintaining energy balance. Each food has a specific effect on the metabolism and there are some, such as those based on sugars or caffeine that trigger certain reactions in the body directly or by chain effect.

Prevent exhaustion

On the podium of the disturbances of our time, in addition to stress and panic attacks, a place of honor is occupied by exhaustion . A person who is experiencing a state of exhaustion is prey to a real energy impoverishment .

It is very important to understand when this is happening and stop, respect the recovery phase of the body.

When you want it, you must learn to say no to invitations, commitments. Rest is up to us by right, it should not be considered a waste of time or a form of laziness.

In short, " I need time for me " is a beautiful phrase and should be used whenever the body asks for it.

You may also be interested in the interview with Sara Rinaldi on the Expressive arts

In the video, a part of the Little Prince played with two voices

Image | Lepiaf.geo

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