Cervical and labyrinthitis, is there a link?

Very often the term labyrinthitis is used to indicate problems related to neck pain associated with dizziness and vertigo. This is not correct even the ailments like the cervical and the labyrinthitis as also the symptoms of vertigo and dizziness can be linked and with common causes.

Let's get to know specifically the labyrinthitis and the cervical to understand the similarities and the differences between these two physical disorders.


Labyrinthitis is an inflammatory disorder of the labyrinth that is the inner ear. This disease mainly causes balance disorders and then dizziness with difficulty walking or incorrect posture. Obviously also the hearing is compromised and its hearing perceptive capacity is reduced.

Among the symptoms of vertigo we often have nausea and vomiting . The general state of malaise and the incorrect perception of balance causes a lot of stress to arise in the subject who is suffering from labyrinthitis and this leads to anxiety and nervousness.

The labyrinthitis has sporadic manifestation with single episodes or recurrent even if in any case it has resolution if the inflammation ends within 6 weeks.

A viral labyrinthitis that usually affects the age group of 30 to 60 years is identified and is therefore rare in children.

In addition, the purulent labyrinthitis following the meningitis is identified and in this case the most exposed band is children under the age of 2 years. Finally, serous labyrinthitis is typical in the pediatric age group when we have cases of otitis, be it medium, acute or chronic.

Causes of labyrinthitis

The most frequent causes for labyrinthitis are due to infection of the inner ear due to viruses or bacteria but in more sporadic cases also other factors or traumas received by the ear may be the origin of the infection.

Very often the labyrinthitis is a consequence of a cooling disease of viral origin such as a flu or a cold. Also an inflammation in the cervical area can trigger an inflammation in the ear that results in a labyrinthitis.

Even systemic diseases such as mumps, mononucleosis and measles can be the cause of labyrinthitis. Finally, even bacteria can cause infection and among these Streptococcus pneumoniae is the first on the list.

For labyrinthitis the risk factors are therefore the presence of viral or bacterial infections, smoking and alcohol consumption, fatigue and stress as well as allergies and autoimmune diseases.

The cervical

The cervical is a part of our spine and in particular the tract that includes the vertebrae that support the head. The cervical vertebrae have the function of allowing the movements of the head forward, in the back and side .

When we talk about cervical, people commonly associate this term with every problem related to this front part of the neck. In medical parlance, on the other hand, problems such as cervical osteoarthritis or cervical distortion are distinguished, which can therefore involve distinct problems with nerves, muscles or bones in this area of ​​the body.

The cervical is often felt as muscle pain in the neck area that can extend to the shoulders and head. Symptoms such as headaches, pain in the eyes and temples, problems with vision, contractures, stiffness and numbness or tingling of the muscles and in particular of the arms are all manifestations of inflammation in the cervical area.

It can happen that the inflammation also touches the inner ear leading to labyrinthitis with consequent problems of orientation, dizziness, nausea and loss of balance.

The causes of the cervical

Very often it is the incorrect posture and the cold strokes that give birth to the problems of the cervical. The cold and sudden changes in temperature lead to tension and muscle contraction.

As well as an unruly or too stressed life associated with maintaining a position of the head and spine help and little physical activity are the causes of cervical problems.

Furthermore, traumas such as compression, blows or crushing in the cervical area are other causes of this problem. In most cases the origin of the disorder is related to the muscle that is rigid, contracted, painful while the situations involving cartilages and bones are much less frequent.

The link between labyrinthitis and cervical

The link between labyrinthitis and cervical is certainly evident as adjacent areas that can catch fire simultaneously or subsequently one after the other.

It is evident that the onset of one of the two manifestations that is the labyrinthitis or the cervical one can give rise to the onset of the other being precisely close, one as inflammation in the cervical area and the other inside the ear.

With the presence of inflammation in the cervical area we will probably have continuous pain and contracture as well as the difficulty of moving the head. The occurrence of a circle in the head or a bad one at the temples, as well as having hearing problems, are all symptoms that can be connected to the labyrinthitis or can be the origin of this disease.

Dizziness, loss of balance, ringing in the ears, feeling of nausea and vertigo are common symptoms of both of these diseases.

Read also

> Advice to give wellness to the cervical

> The remedies for labyrinthitis

> Cervical, how to cure it

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